
I almost gave up wine again. I really enjoy my evening glass of wine. It was slowly starting to be more than one glass of wine. I have been working hard in the garden. I like to keep my wine in refrigerator this time of year. I would come in around 5pm, take a shower and then come down to make dinner. I would pour a glass of wine and start cooking. I would pour a little more in my glass to have with my dinner. You know how it goes. I do fine if I stick to one glass of wine. I have a friend who announced she is not drinking for the month of June. I thought I “should” give it up for the month too. You know what, I don’t want to. I have done it before and it is aggravating.

Instead, I am recommitted to just one glass of wine and I am drinking 2 jars of water before I have the glass of wine. I am hydrated and feel so much better and I don’t want the extra glass of wine.

Here is the June Challenge and I encourage you to do it with me. Drink at least half your body weight in water daily. I weigh 137lbs. I  need to drink 68 oz of water. I am drinking 2 jars of water before meals and before my morning coffee. Each jar holds 16oz of water. I am drinking 6 jars a day which is 96 oz of water which is even better. Instead of giving up something that I really enjoy I am adding something that I will benefit greatly from.

Would you like to join me in the June Challenge? It is always more fun with friends!

Are you looking for a new workout? This is a great time of year for OutdoorFit.  It is a full body workout which will keep you strong and flexible with great endurance at any age.

Elaine 81, doing step-ups off a rock with an 8 pound weight! Don’t worry, I can modify for any fitness level. You don’t need to keep up with Elaine!

Hope to see you soon.



Watercolor Painting by my friend Deb Sparling.

Grow Your own Salad.


I love my simple vegetable garden. I planted lettuce, kale, arugula, tomatoes, cucumbers, a few herbs AND cute little organic red potatoes! I go outside every morning to pick lettuce, so I am all set for the day’s salads. It tastes so much better when you grow your own! I hope you have been inspired to plant a small garden, or maybe have a pot of basil on your kitchen window sill.


I am so glad that the April OutdoorFit Functional Fitness Challenge was to go outside everyday and work in the yard. Some days, I went out just to pull a few weeds. Other days I planted a vegetable garden, planted flowers and moved plants around. It was amazing how much I was able to get done!  A huge benefit from all of this has been connecting with my gardening friends! We text each other, send videos and share tips! I love that I have a community of people who love the earth and physical movement here in NJ.

Movement, going outside, eating fresh greens from your garden is very important for your health, well being and feeling fabulous!

Are you feeling fabulous?

Here are a few  fabulous tips.

  • Eat the best possible food that you can.
  • Hang out with Fit and Fabulous Energetic people.
  • Get a good night sleep.
  • Meditate daily.
  • Read a good book.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Take high quality supplements.
  • Enjoy a glass of organic red wine!
  • Plant some lettuce.

Would you like my support to get you there?  Click here to learn more about my 90 Day Fit and Fabulous Program.

Bone Broth Workshop

I went to a Bone Broth Workshop with a group of friends at Dutch Hill Homestead.

It was a wonderful night. Dutch Hill Homestead is a homesteading lifestyle company created by Ally Dwyer and Rob Stenger. All the magic happens in their beautiful home built in 1860. Ally and Rob set up rustic farm house tables with all the ingredients we needed to make broth. I was most impressed by the bowl of chicken feet! Ally said chicken feet make the best broth! We even had vintage aprons to put on while we chopped vegetables and prepared to make our broth. They also had samples of broths they had already made. We tasted 4 different types of bone broth, wild game, beef, poultry and vegetable. Ally and Rob had many different spices and herbs that we could add to the broth samples to personalize them.  I had the best time and came home with three different samples of broth.

“Chicken Feet makes the Best bone broth!”

Bone Broth is so good for you. It is excellent for your joints, your hair, skin, nails and your gut! It is a great use of leftover vegetables and bones. Ally and Rob emphasized how they are a no waste household.

I love knowing creative, energetic entrepreneurs that send you home with cute jars of bone broth!

Bone Broth will make you feel fabulous!


Honeynut Squash Soup

The Honeynut Squash is a mini version of the butternut squash. I first discovered it at Trader Joe’s and then at the local Farmer’s Market. They are easier to slice and peel compared to  butternut squash.  I have been using a lot of squash this fall. It is so nice to cook in season!

I saw a version of the Squash soup recipe on Little Bites of Joy’s Blog. I was inspired to try it with the Honeynut Squash. You can substitute butternut squash or acorn squash.

Honeynut Squash Soup

1  yellow onion, chopped

1 tablespoon coconut oil

3 Honeynut squash, cubed (or about 5-6 cups)

1 can full fat coconut milk 

Chicken or Vegetable Broth

Sea salt and pepper, to taste


Saute the chopped onion in coconut oil until soft. Add the cubed squash and cover with broth.  Bring to boil and lower hit to simmer for 25 minutes until the squash is soft. Add 1 can coconut milk and blend with an immersion blender. Add salt and pepper to taste.

A special treat: Topped with crumbled cooked Niman Ranch Maple Bacon.





Fit and Fabulous Lovely Elaine!

Elaine Milner, 79 came to my outdoor workouts about 3 months ago. She felt she was beginning to lose her balance and flexibility. Her daughter Jennifer encouraged Elaine to try my program. The first day I was concerned because her balance was off. Elaine kept at it and within 2 weeks she was so much better!

You don’t want to move like an old person. WORK ON YOUR BALANCE!


She also joined my 7 Days…Feel Fabulous Program. I designed the program to help get your hormones in balance so you feel your best. You lose your sugar cravings, sleep through the night and you might just lose the nagging aches and pains.  “I felt so much better within a couple of days. The gas and bloat were gone. ”

It is time to Lighten up in so many ways. It is springtime. Fit and Fabulous Lovely Elaine shows that it is possible and FUN at any age! I am so grateful that she is part of my Program.



Extraordinary Health = Extraordinary Life!

“In order to live an extraordinary life, you need Extraordinary Healthy!!! ” Kate Northrup

I was on a Facebook Live business training last Saturday when Kate said the above quote. It really stuck with me. I came down with the flu which lingered on for two weeks.  I haven’t been sick like that for years. I take really good care of myself. Many people around me have had high fevers. I didn’t have that. It pays to take eat well, take your supplements, exercise and sleep!

You really appreciate having good health when you are sick.

I am back! How is your health?

Would you like to have more energy? Are you tired of feeling bloated and achy? Suffering from Hot flashes? Are you craving sugar, salty carbs or caffeine in the afternoon?

A Beautiful Organic Salad

I have put together a 7 Day ..Feel Fabulous Program which will put you on the path to Extraordinary Health. Your next step is up to you.

I am on the journey right along with you!

Check out the program and see if it is right for you. I hope you will join us. It is so important for your health to be part of a supportive community.


“I feel really good. I haven’t eaten so many vegetables in a long time. Your jump start is exactly what I needed. I feel so much better!”

” I feel great. I lost two pounds and the bloat!”

“The Program has been amazing. My aches and pains are gone!”



Aging Optional?

Did you see the video from yesterday about our 7 Day Program to feeling Fabulous?  LOOK at my face! Yikes!

It was a little concerning and hard to post. I am 62 and can do kick ass Burpees. I feel great and I have tons of energy. When I saw my face in the video yesterday, to be honest it set me back a bit.

I am in a great time of my life.  I created this blog a few years ago and I have people who don’t know me following me. I have women who are between 40 and 79 that get up on a Saturday morning, 23 degrees and windy to workout with me. I have people who join my nutritional program and give up grains, sugar and alcohol to feel better. I recommend the best supplements and they take them.

I have a wonderful supportive family.

I am very grateful for all of it. So what are a few wrinkles and aged spots? Embrace where you are in your life! I tell myself I am a natural beauty. I am going with that.

Would you like to join our 7 Day Program… FEEL FABULOUS?

Click here for more information and to sign up.

Fit and Fabulous…Aging Optional!



I had a break through!

Yesterday on Day 22 of no gluten, sugar or alcohol I had a break through. I have been fighting the program just about the whole time. I don’t especially like rules even my own rules.

I have been agitated and stuffing myself. I am stuffing myself with good things, blueberries, red peppers, carrots… Whenever I go to cook I start eating. I decided yesterday to stop it. I feel so much calmer since then. I love to chew gum as well. It is the same kind of habit. Yesterday, I slowed down, sat down and ate my meal or snack. I enjoyed my meals so much more. Mindfulness.

I also spent 15 minutes sitting on my cushion in my bedroom. I say I am going to meditate on a daily basis but I don’t. It is so very helpful.

These past 22 days have not been super easy. You know what? I do feel so much better. Why do I fight it???My sleep, my  body , my energy is fabulous! I want to tell everyone. Do you suffer from aches and pains, insomnia, lack of energy? Get off the grains, sugar and alcohol and see how you feel. I am telling you it is so worth it!

I have put together a 7 day program of No grains, sugar and alcohol with my friend Chef Ivone of Healthy Sage.

You will be amazed at how much better you can feel in a short period of time. Are you ready to look and feel your best?

I am here to tell you that you can start to feel a difference your first week.

It is so much easier to do it in a group and with a friend.

We are getting together at my house to kick off the 7 days on February 25th.

We will give you recipes and tips to support you during the week. Delicious coffee will be served and maybe even a no grains, no sugar yet scrumptious treat!

We will have a secret facebook group. We will be providing daily support, guidance, recipes and tips. You will have lifetime access to the group.

I hope you will join us.  More fun with friends! Your hormones will thank you. Happy Healthy Hormones!!

This is an online program so you can join without coming in person.

The Investment in You is $35.00!

buy now

  • 2 cups of milk of choice
  • 1 teaspoon Turmeric
  • ½ teaspoon Cinnamon
  • A few drops of liquid stevia
  • Pinch of black pepper (increases absorption)
  •  ¼ tsp ginger powder
  1. Put all ingredients in small sauce pan blend with a blender stick.
  2. Heat on med heat for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Drink it! SO SOOTHING!


Balance Your Hormones Day 3!

For now during the 30 days of No gluten, sugar, alcohol it is important to eat 4-5 times a day to keep your blood sugar balanced and your hormones. After the 30 days, I will see how it feels to take it down to three meals a day. I want to keep everything steady especially in the afternoon. My meals are higher in protein and healthy fats so I think the transition to 3 meals will be fine. Just not right now. The point is pay attention to how you are feeling. Everyone is different.

The difficult time for me is when I go to make dinner and I am not having a glass of wine. The afternoon snack helps and I try and lay down on the floor for 20 minutes in the afternoon. Balance is the key.

Here is my recipe for Nut Fudge. It is so easy to make. Nut Fudge is a wonderful go to snack. It is very dense and lots of calories so please consider portion size.


It is not too late to join in …  Gluten, sugar and alcohol free for 30 days! So much easier with friends! Dr. Northrup says we will feel changes quickly. Balanced hormones are key to fabulous health!

All you need to do is follow me on facebook or instagram. I will be posting and I hope you will be too!



I had a delicious lunch today at Kitch Organic in Red Bank, NJ!

The Super Salad!

The Super Salad!

My Secret Breakfast!

It is not really a secret but I feel my typical breakfast has been very helpful. My son Thomas has it as well. My son Tom as many of you know is 27 and Developmentally Delayed. It is really important to me that it eats well.  I make him a shake and give him a bowl of my secret weapon to start his day.

My friend and mentor Penny Northrup Kirk told me about this. She is 65 and looks phenomenal. She is down to her fighting weight.! Since starting this protocol I have released 4% body fat and weaned myself off my bio-identical hormones.


1/4 cup Organic Full Fat Cottage Cheese

2 TBS Organic Flax seed oil (buy the good stuff in refrigerator section)

1 TBS Organic Ground Flax Seed

Pet touches…I like to add sliced pears or apples with pecans. Or Turmeric with black pepper and pumpkin seeds. The possibilities are endless!



  • Weight Loss
  • Relieves Constipation , Diarrhea
  • Anti Cancer
  • Increases collagen
  • Reduces Eczema
  • Heart Health

This is also called the Budwig Protocol. Here is a link to an excellent article by  Dr. Josh Axe that goes into more details of the Budwig Protocol and the  amazing benefits of flax seed oil.

Give it a try and let me know how you like it!

