It went much deeper than how much money you want to make.

It is the New Year! Do you do take the time to do an annual review? Do you set intentions for the upcoming year? How do you define success? Three great questions that I’m resistant to answer. Recently, I joined Andreea Fegan’s Little Bites of Joy community group. Sunday, Andreea led us through a vision workshop. We talked about how we define our successes and how we want to feel on a daily basis. It went much deeper than how much money you make, or how many followers you have on Instagram.

During the workshop, Andreea told us to write down how you want to feel during the day. How do you make other’s feel?

Here is my list.

  • I want to go through my day with Ease and Grace (I stole that from one of the woman on the call.)
  • Confident
  • Enthusiastic
  • Grateful
  • Grounded
  • Happy

Don’t you feel good when you are around happy, enthusiastic, grounded people? I did have peaceful, but I changed it to grounded. It feels more authentic. I love authentic people! I feel like I am pretty authentic already. I don’t know how to be any other way.

I define my success with numbers. If you run a business, it is important to know your numbers. I always check my monthly revenue, but then I tally how many people are in my OutdoorFit program, and how many people watch a video or read a blog post. I’m disappointed if I don’t reach a certain number of views. Some of my feelings of self worth appear to be tied into how many views I get. Andreea suggested going beyond the numbers and consider what kind of an impact are you making. You never know who reads your posts or watches your videos. Maybe when I encourage others to drink more water or do a round of mountain climbers I am having an impact. Are my viewers having a life changing moment? I hope so.

In my OutdoorFit membership group, we started A 28 Day Feel Fabulous Program. It is all about making small changes to feel better. Click here if one of your intentions is to feel fabulous in the New Year! I hope to see you soon.



Day 1
Feel Fabulous Program
Clean out the Fridge!

Wendy’s 90 Days to Fit and Fabulous!

This morning Wendy came over for bulletproof coffee. She had just finished the 90 day Fit and Fabulous Gold Program, and was ready for her final weigh in and measurements.  Wendy wasn’t overly concerned about her weight. Her main goal was  to lose her menopausal pooch. She was feeling a bit matronly and pudgy around the middle. Her beautiful clothes were getting tight.

BIG NEWS! She lost 2 inches off of her waist, and 1 inch off her hips! Wendy also lost 4 pounds.  She has easily changed her habits and is confident that this will be a life long program. Wendy has committed to almost daily meditation, and is feeling centered and grounded throughout her day.


It has been so great to work with Wendy. She started the program in good health. She was able to change a few habits and now her daily life is even better! Wendy is the youngster in my OutdoorFit program. She is certainly Fit and Fabulous…Aging Optional!

February is the perfect month to start the 90 Day Fit and Fabulous Gold Program. How would you like to feel 3 months from now?  Energetic? Lighter? Vibrant? Reach out let’s have a conversation to see if the program is right for you.

Wendy made me a Beautiful Wendy Cettina Design thank you scarf. The yarn is by Madeline Tosh. The color is Graphite and the pattern is Fractal Danger. How cool is that?

“At My Age.”

Have you been complaining for years about your weight? Do you need to go out and buy new clothes because nothing is fitting? Do you say to yourself or others, “AT MY AGE” I can’t be expected to change or I will never be able to wear that again?

Do you go on a diet on Monday and 3 days in you are eating cookies or drinking a glass of wine? Did you talk yourself out of the whole thing? TOO HARD! Too uncomfortable!

I have been there and I am here to help you!

I have created a  90 Day Fit and Fabulous Program is not about willpower. It is getting you off the sugar roller coaster. Changing you from a sugar burner to a Fat burner.  This is where Magic happens!  There is such Freedom that comes with this program.

High Fat, Moderate Protein and Low Carbohydrate

I was a little hesitant to increase the fat, because it is high calories. We were taught that fat is bad, gov’t tells us to eat 5-11 servings of whole grains daily and eat fat sparingly.

I decided to jump in. I love butter, I started eating Kerry Gold, grass fed butter. So Delicious and the key is.. So satisfying!

Magical, Magical, Magical

  • Lost 10 pounds (even at my age)
  • Reduced aches and pains
  • No more sugar cravings


Of course, you can do this on your own. It has been my experience that it is so much better in a group. You receive positive reinforcement and encouragement. So important to have Support and Accountability.

The first 7 days of the program, we eliminate the foods that cause inflammation and the alcohol.  No wine is not easy for me. SO much easier with a friend and I stick to it.  We send each other pictures of seltzer and lime in pretty glasses every evening and cheer each other on.

If you are not happy with how you are feeling and are ready to make some changes, please reach out and we can have a conversation to see what has been preventing you from being your Best Self and Feeling Fabulous. We will see if working together is the answer for you.

Friday, Early Bird Pricing Ends. 90 Day Fit and Fabulous Program

Do you need to look dressed when shooting a video? Put on your Mom’s Pearls!

Favorite Pair of Faded Jeans Fit!


You go into your closet and pull out your favorite pair of old favorite jeans and they fit! Isn’t that a dream come true?

Check out the video, I have some exciting news to share!

A few questions for you.

Are you a woman over 50 who wants to be active in your life instead of sitting on the sidelines?

Have you put on weight and are frustrated because you can’t seem to get rid of it?

Are you tired of putting on your jeans and having to adjust the waist band because of the extra roll around your belly?

Or have you given up and your wardrobe has become pants with and elastic waist band and flowing tops?

Of course, you want to feel great, confident, and move with grace and vitality through out your day.

I have created a 90 Day Fit and Fabulous Gold Program. Head over to the Program’s page to learn more.

I would love for you to be a part of my Fit and Fabulous…Aging Optional Community!

Next Session begins Monday October 1st! Registration closes Friday September 28th.

Bonus! Register by September 21st and SAVE! Become Fit and Fabulous with the exclusive OutdoorFit price!

Fit and Fabulous 90 Day Gold Program!

Butter in my coffee:)

I am trying something new. Have you heard of intermittent fasting? How about putting butter in your coffee?

I am getting up at 6 am and making an organic cup of french roast coffee in my french press pot and adding a TBS of my delicious ghee. I made ghee from the unsalted Kerry Gold Irish butter the last time. SO CREAMY AND DELICIOUS! I enjoy the coffee and walk George the dog a mile. I am getting some exercise without eating.

Coffee with ghee!

Coffee with ghee!

After taking Thomas to his program at 9 am, I come home and have breakfast. I haven’t eaten for 14 hours. It is a completely different thought process of having breakfast first thing in the morning. I know many wait until later but for now I am hungry at 9 and I feel like I better eat something!

This was my breakfast this morning. An organic granny smith apple, organic cottage cheese , almond butter and sprinkled with cinnamon.

Grain Free and delicious!

Grain Free and delicious!

A three minute video. What do you think? Have you tried this? It is a process.

From my friend and mentor Penny Northrup Kirk…”Hooray! And a big YES to FAT!” A tweetable:)