I Started Eating Bread Again!

Big news! After years of avoiding bread, I decided to start eating it again, guilt-free, with butter. I love Kerry Gold grass fed butter. It is a very cozy treat along with a hot bowl of soup. Bonus, I have lost 7 pounds!

I just finished Rob Bell’s Where did you park your spaceship? Heen Gru-Bares, the main character, loves sourdough rosemary bread. After listening to the 12 hour audio book, I feel like sourdough rosemary bread is in my cells. I need to make the bread! Making sourdough bread is a big deal. You don’t need yeast. It rises with the natural fermentation process. I hope it works out. I am making the starter, which takes at least 7 days. You need to feed it daily and keep it warm. Ideally it should stay between 75-80 degrees, so it ferments properly. I am keeping it in the oven with the light on for a little heat, It is a commitment and a fun winter project!

I also feel my cold plunges have been very helpful in keeping my weight down this winter. I am on Day 75 of our cold plunge challenge. I have not missed a day. I am impressed with myself! It has been very helpful. My mood is better, I have great energy throughout the day and I am grateful not to have put on my usual winter weight.

“Margarine? That’s not food. I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter? I can. If you’re planning on using margarine in anything, you can stop reading now, because I won’t be able to help you.”

Anthony Bourdain Kitchen Confidential

Family, Home, Sophie and Creativity.

I love a good decluttering challenge. I have done a few of them, and I always feel better when my house is clean and tidy. It brings me great joy to open the door of the tool shed, and to have it in order. When I am stressed or agitated, cleaning out a drawer or decluttering the office brings me peace. I might not feel better when I am actually doing the project, but I am always grateful when I am done.

When Sophie the golden retriever came to live with us, I decided it would be best to pick up the area rugs. I feel so much better with them gone. She is not chewing on them, I don’t have to worry about her urinating on them, and I don’t need to vacuum them. I can just sweep the floor at the end of the day. There is something very therapeutic about a good broom in your broom closet.

Having the house in order makes me feel better, and messy surroundings make me feel agitated. However, there is a part of me that knows spending my days cleaning is not enough. I have been feeling flat. I need to be creative, but I have been avoiding writing my blog posts or promoting OutdoorFit.

So, here I am sitting at my desk writing. I need to find the right balance between taking care of my family, the house, Sophie the dog and my creative endeavors. Progress!

How are you doing? I hope you are finding happiness in your day. What projects are you working on? Have you started gardening yet? Are you spring cleaning? Are you writing a best selling novel? I would love to hear from you.



How cute are the three of them sitting on the stoop?

Times of feeling anxious and stress, I clean.

When I am feeling anxious and stressed I start cleaning. It is very therapeutic to clean out a drawer, organize a closet and get rid of things that no longer serve me. I also love reading about cleaning, simplifying and organizational systems that help with the process. I went to the library and took out Joshua Becker’s The Minimalist House and  The Martha Manual’s by Martha Stewart. It feels like the right thing to do. When in question, start cleaning. The answers to your concerns and a cleaner house might just happen at the same time.

Last week, I tackled my clothes.  What do I love? What do I wear? Why am I hanging on to a dress that reminds me of my mother when she was pregnant? I feel much better with less. I have the clothes and the shoes that I feel good wearing which is key to my joy and happiness.

I share the closet with my husband. I have one pole, one wire drawer, which has my summer clothes, shorts, bathing suit etc. I have a small dresser with my sweaters. I love cashmere! I kept a few sweaters that I love and have donated the rest.

My shoes are a work in progress. I changed over to minimal shoes. I have a pair of Vivo barefoot brown boots and also a pair of Vivo barefoot black boots. I love them and they are so great for the health of your feet. Strong healthy feet is the way I want to go.  Uncomfortable heels are not for me! Of course, sneakers are always a great option.

Socks are a very important  fashion statement for me. In the above picture I have on my Organic “Shine on” Full Moon socks on. You can wear them anytime but it feels appropriate and empowering to wear them on the Full Moon.

Have Fun with your clothes. Clean out your closet. It is an excellent way to feel better!





What brings you joy?


I have been doing a lot of work the past 6 weeks. Letting go of stuff. If you follow me on social media you know I have been involved with a minimalist challenge. The first month it was a task a day like clean  out your junk drawer. This month it is to donate, recycle or trash each day of the month. June 1 is one item. June 30 is 30 items. It feels really wonderful to have clean emptied closets. Not completely emptied. I held on to a few things that “spark joy”

It looks like a road trip in 1975! It is actually a trip to Goodwill! Donate, Donate, Donate!

The process has brought clarity.  What is important? What brings me happiness and a coziness to my life?

There certainly has been a shift for me.

  • I  have an easy cleaning schedule.
  • A clean house
  • A clean car
  • A clean tool shed!
  • A clean desk.
  • An organized Junk drawer
  • I have embraced a lighter simple diet with lots of fruit and vegetables.
  • I feel calmer.
  • I feel good about my closet and my minimalist wardrobe. Fitness is my Fashion Statement!
  • I love open spaces.
  • I have a heightened awareness around gift giving. I love functional simple gifts.
  • Less is more…buy what you need.
  • Bonus Round! I have released 4 pounds this month that have been hanging on!!

An added joy is to go outside, pick basil and kale from my cute little manageable garden.

This morning I made a kale, basil and lime smoothie. I added cauliflower to thicken it up. I use a whey protein powder from happy grass fed cows.

A great way to start my day!

What brings you joy and happiness? Are you holding on to stuff that doesn’t serve you? I would love to hear from you!

Love, Mary

Do you have a Morning ritual?

My morning starts with plugging in the coffee pot. I usually have it all set up the night before. I look at it like the oxygen mask on the airplane. Take care of myself first! I love my little Farberware pot because it makes the coffee very hot. (Sometimes, I use a French press.) I take out the vita-mix and blend up the hot organic coffee with the oils. I add a tablespoon of coconut oil and ghee combo to my coffee. I grab my Ipad, sit down on the sofa , check my email, Facebook and Instagram.  I have about 15 minutes before I need to get up and make smoothies and get Thomas’ breakfast.

Note to self…The experts say not to start that way, checking your email and social media because you will get sidetracked unto someone’s else agenda.

I send Tom off to his day program. I get myself ready to head out to my workouts. The one thing I do consistently which is very helpful. I say a prayer in my car on the way to the workout. I ask God to surround me in Divine Love and allow me to do the best I can to encourage and inspire the women at my  workouts. A nice morning ritual.

I am going to see if the Library have THE MORNING MIRACLE by Hal Elrod. I know I can do better!

How about you? Do you have a morning ritual?

Did you make your bed this morning?

Martha Stewart advises, “don’t leave the house with an unmade bed.”

How many times did your Mom tell you to make your bed? How many times did you tell your kids to make their bed?

Making your bed can set you up for success in your day. You start your day off accomplishing a task.

Your bed room feels and looks less cluttered when your bed is made.

A made bed brings peace.

Your bed is where you sleep and restore for the next day. You deserve every night to be peaceful and comforting.

I like a duvet without a top sheet. It only takes a minute to make the bed and straighten the pillows. I got rid of the dust ruffle. George the dog liked to lay up against it. It was always hairy and dirty. One less thing to take care of.

A peaceful bed.

Making your bed is a great tip to reduce your cortisol levels, bring peace and it allows your body to calm down and release the excess weight. Amazing right?

Do you need a jumpstart to feeling your best? Check out my 7 Day..Feel Fabulous Program. We have a great community which brings immunity and more fun with friends!

