I Started Eating Bread Again!

Big news! After years of avoiding bread, I decided to start eating it again, guilt-free, with butter. I love Kerry Gold grass fed butter. It is a very cozy treat along with a hot bowl of soup. Bonus, I have lost 7 pounds!

I just finished Rob Bell’s Where did you park your spaceship? Heen Gru-Bares, the main character, loves sourdough rosemary bread. After listening to the 12 hour audio book, I feel like sourdough rosemary bread is in my cells. I need to make the bread! Making sourdough bread is a big deal. You don’t need yeast. It rises with the natural fermentation process. I hope it works out. I am making the starter, which takes at least 7 days. You need to feed it daily and keep it warm. Ideally it should stay between 75-80 degrees, so it ferments properly. I am keeping it in the oven with the light on for a little heat, It is a commitment and a fun winter project!

I also feel my cold plunges have been very helpful in keeping my weight down this winter. I am on Day 75 of our cold plunge challenge. I have not missed a day. I am impressed with myself! It has been very helpful. My mood is better, I have great energy throughout the day and I am grateful not to have put on my usual winter weight.

“Margarine? That’s not food. I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter? I can. If you’re planning on using margarine in anything, you can stop reading now, because I won’t be able to help you.”

Anthony Bourdain Kitchen Confidential

Be the Best Version of Yourself!

My sister Kathleen, has started taking ice baths. She’s been adding 30#’s of ice to her bath water. She sent me a text on Saturday. “Just got out. Thank you for this. I am the best version of me when I do things like this.” Kathleen lives in NC. I wished she lived next door. We would have a great time together and I could send Thomas over there to hang out.

This is my morning prayer on the way to OutdoorFit.”Please help me be the best version of myself today.” It is a good reminder to do my best work. I know the importance of taking care of myself to allow the best version of me to come out.

September is my birthday month. I am now 68. I am strong, healthy and fit. I am not accepting getting slower as I age, I am getting better. There are so many things we all can do. I am taking a joint mobility class with Petra Fisher, which has already been so helpful. I started with the cervical spine and I am working my way down. I want my joints to be healthy, and have committed to moving them daily. It will help eliminate and prevent so many muscular aches and pains. Of course, I am sharing the movements with my OutdoorFit ladies.

I am focused on reducing inflammation in my body. It was my birthday and I enjoy indulging in special treats. Who doesn’t love a big bowl of Butterfinger ice cream? After a few days of overindulging, I wake up with a sugar hangover, I feel tension in my face and jaw, and I have itchy patches that make me feel like I am going to jump out of my skin. The sad story is that too much sugar is toxic to my body.

Here are 7 things I focus on daily to reduce inflammation and support my health.

  • Eat organic balanced low glycemic meals.
  • Eat 80 grams of protein.
  • Get a Good Night Sleep.
  • Have a good attitude.
  • Take my supplements.
  • Practice Wim Hoff breathing.
  • Exercise.

I get in a cold plunge when I can. Cold plunges are an excellent way to reduce inflammation! I usually end my shower with cold water. I am easing back in to the season. The water will be getting colder soon! Kathleen joins me in the ocean whenever she comes back home to NJ. It is always a crazy fun time.

Were my tips helpful to you? Are you aging well? The OutdoorFit ladies are aging well. We are all in this together. Please reach out. I would love to hear from you.



Get the dumb bells out!
Strength training is so important for healthy aging!

Buckwheat Banana Bread

This recipe was originally called Buckwheat Banana Cake with Yogurt-Espresso Frosting from Bon Appetite. I have tried different versions. I reduced the sugar, I use oat flour instead of whole wheat and I add nuts and blueberries.

I made it yesterday, I came downstairs and my son Thomas had eaten the entire top off of it.

Here is my recipe.


3/4 cup oat flour

3/4 cup buckwheat flour I Love Big Bold Health Himalayan Tartary Buckwheat Super Nutrition Flour. It has super powers!

2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

4 very ripe bananas

3 Tbs coconut sugar

2 large eggs

1/2 melted coconut oil

1/2 unsweetened Greek Yogurt

1/2 cup organic blueberries

1/2 cup chopped walnuts


Step 1

Preheat the oven to 350. Line a bread pan with parchment paper letting it hang over on other sides. Wish the dry ingredients together.

Step 2

Mash bananas and coconut sugar in a large bowl until smooth. Mix in eggs, melted coconut oil and yogurt. Mix in dry ingredients. Stir in blueberries and chopped walnuts. Scrape batter into parchment lined pan and smooth top.

Step 3

Bake bread 55 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack and let bread cool in pan for 30 minutes. Turn out bread on rack and cool completely.

Store air tight at room temperature.



I love Alice’s Oat Pancakes!

I love when I make something new and the first bite makes me stop and say; “Oh my God this is so delicious!” This does not happen to me enough. Last Sunday morning, I made Alice Waters’ Oat Pancakes. I stewed fresh organic blueberries along with a few strawberries to go on top. Of course, first I smeared the pancakes with grass fed butter. It was SO Delicious!

Here is the recipe which is in Alice’s book My Pantry. 

Oat Pancakes (makes 8-3″ pancakes)

1 cup rolled oats. (I have been substituting buckwheat flour instead of oats. So good.)

3/4 cup milk or almond milk

1 large egg

3 tablespoons ghee, coconut oil or butter (or a combination), melted

1/2 tsp sea salt

1 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp baking powder

Put the oats in a blender and blend 20 to 30 seconds until it is a fine powder. You will have 3/4 cups of oat flour.

Beat the milk and egg together in a medium bowl. Stir in the melted oils. (I used a combination of butter and coconut oil.) Add the dry ingredients and stir until just combined. Let the batter sit for 10 minutes to thicken. ( I didn’t do that and they came out fine. Who can wait that long for pancakes?)

Heat the griddle over medium high heat. Grease lightly with oil or butter and spoon on the batter about 1/4 cup. Cook the pancakes.

I use only organic ingredients. I buy my eggs from a local farmer. I don’t eat many grains, but these were worth it, and a better substitute than white flour. Alice Waters’ oat pancakes were the perfect Sunday breakfast.

“Homemade Ingredients that Make Simple Meals Your Own.”

7 Success Steps to Fit and Fabulous!


I have been resistant to writing this post, which means I need to write it. I weighed 148.8 in 2015. I now weigh 136. I know the number on the scale is not everything. I also know I feel better when I am lighter. My goal was to get down to 135lbs, which I am on occasion. My weight fluctuates a bit. I am thrilled that I have been able to lose my menopausal weight. It was something that I wasn’t sure was even possible. I was in good shape at 148.8 but was unhappy to be and feel so heavy. I am always researching, reading and listening to podcasts about health and wellness. I have taken simple steps that created new  habits, They have made a big difference!

WOW… I took this picture 8/3/15.

 7 steps to Fit and Fabulous!

(I know you can get there too.)

  1. Bulletproof Coffee: My Breakfast is a cup of organic bulletproof coffee made in my French press. I blend  coffee, 1 TBS Brain Octane, and 1 TBS unsalted grass fed butter in my Vitamix. Instead of spiking my blood sugar first thing in the morning, I am burning fat. This is an important first step. Don’t worry. There are other options if you are not a coffee drinker. As I am waiting for my bulletproof coffee, I start my morning off with a cup of hot lemon water with a splash of apple cider vinegar.
  2. Intermittent Fasting: This was a game changer for me. I delay eating until after I workout. I am burning fat during the workout. I didn’t start to lose weight until I added this step.
  3. OutdoorFit: Exercise is a key component to Fit and Fabulous. I love working out outside! I have 4 weekly OutdoorFit classes which include 3 regular classes and 1 sprint day. I love my sprint day! It is an important skill to keep as you age. Once a week is sufficient. The other classes cover strength, endurance and flexibility. Every class ends with Foundation Training which is critical to keeping me going.
  4. Eat Organic Food: I eat lots of vegetables, healthy fats, protein and small amount of grains. It is so important to eat the best quality food that you can afford. Buying high quality food is a priority.
  5. Supplements: I take pharmaceutical grade supplements every day, twice a day. You can’t possibly get all the vitamins and minerals you need from your food. It is so important if you want to be Fit and Fabulous!
  6. Meditation: I am working on meditating 20 minutes a day. I feel much better when I get it in.
  7. Sleep: I am always working on getting a good night’s sleep. I take magnesium, calcium and melatonin before bed. I go to bed about the same time every night, which is important in getting a restful night sleep.

Those are the basic habits that I implement every day. I am not perfect and I don’t want to be. I enjoy having a piece of cake once in a while. This has been a work in progress. It certainly didn’t happen over night. If you are interested, to get you started I am launching a 28 Day Fit and Fabulous Program January 10, 2020 on the Full Moon. It is always more fun with friends. Accountability is key!

The Full Moon is a fabulous time to get focused and take action. It is the time to bring the vision of yourself into reality, and align your thoughts with your desired outcome. It’s time for more personal growth. 

In order to live at your fullest potential you need to be healthy and fit.

The Fit and Fabulous 28 Day Program will put you on the path of looking good, feeling strong, confident, calm and creating a positive attitude.

I know when you do things with others you will have success. Peer pressure can be a good thing. It is important if you want to be healthy and fit, you need to hang out with people who are healthy and fit!

Click here to learn more and to sign up!




How to Feel Better?

I enjoy inspiring women to be strong, healthy and fit so they can live empowered fulfilled lives. It is important to put your body first. How do you feel in your body today? Are you cranky and agitated? It is important to lead from a calm and centered place. I have so much extra energy at times which is not always a good thing. I love working out because it calms me and I feel so much better when I am done. Over exercising is not a good idea though. There are other ways to ground yourself.

10 Tips to a Balanced Grounded Life.

How to Feel Better?

1. Get Clear About What You Really Want And Journal. It is very powerful to start writing your thoughts down. I have been listening to Marie Forleo’s Everything is Figure Outable. She has an exercise in her book where she has you answer the question; What do you really want? Every day for 7 days, finish this sentence in writing. I really want… After the 7 days, go back and circle the ideas that repeated for you. I have gotten a clearer picture on what I want.  Being focused is an energy saver!

2. Go Outside. Garden, Compost, Walk, and of course OutdoorFit is an excellent option.  Have you heard of Forest Bathing? The Japanese consider it plant medicine. It is called shinrin-yoku. Forest Bathing is walking in the woods and breathing in the forest air.  It has amazing health benefits. It improves your gut biome, boosts immunity, reduces stress hormones, blood pressure and heart rate. It just makes you feel better!

3. Eat Organic Food. Focus on vegetables and protein. Buy the highest quality food that you can afford. What you put in your mouth truly matters. I love starting my day with a cup of organic bulletproof coffee and ending it with a lovely glass of organic wine.

4. Practice Gratitude. It is easy to practice gratitude when life is going well. It is also so important to find blessings in the struggles. Life will feel lighter when you practice gratitude.

5. Read Daily. It is an effort for me to sit down and read a book. I am now committed to reading at least 10 minutes every morning. I’m currently reading Dave Asprey’s Game Changers. I have picked up a lot of great ideas from the successful people profiled in the book, just by reading 10 minutes daily.

6. Meditate. I am working on meditating 20 minutes a day. It has been very helpful.  I am calmer. Meditation activates the  parasympathetic nervous system. Leading from place of calm instead of having a fight or flight response is very powerful.

7. Declutter. Start getting rid of the things that you no longer love or serve a function for you. Check out my post about my closet. I feel so much better with less!

8. Create a simple cleaning schedule. This has been so helpful to me. I spend a little time everyday cleaning.  It makes me happy to come home to a clean simple home.  Dust your baseboards once in a while. You will sleep better.

9. Say Something Nice To Someone. Be a cheerleader!  Stop talking about yourself and start asking questions. Pay attention to how it makes you feel.

10. Get a good night sleep. This is always a work in progress. Shut off the electronics, have a cup of tea, or take an epsom salt bath before you go to bed.

How do you practice self care? What is important to you? I would love to hear what is working for you!



Grow Your own Salad.


I love my simple vegetable garden. I planted lettuce, kale, arugula, tomatoes, cucumbers, a few herbs AND cute little organic red potatoes! I go outside every morning to pick lettuce, so I am all set for the day’s salads. It tastes so much better when you grow your own! I hope you have been inspired to plant a small garden, or maybe have a pot of basil on your kitchen window sill.


I am so glad that the April OutdoorFit Functional Fitness Challenge was to go outside everyday and work in the yard. Some days, I went out just to pull a few weeds. Other days I planted a vegetable garden, planted flowers and moved plants around. It was amazing how much I was able to get done!  A huge benefit from all of this has been connecting with my gardening friends! We text each other, send videos and share tips! I love that I have a community of people who love the earth and physical movement here in NJ.

Movement, going outside, eating fresh greens from your garden is very important for your health, well being and feeling fabulous!

Are you feeling fabulous?

Here are a few  fabulous tips.

  • Eat the best possible food that you can.
  • Hang out with Fit and Fabulous Energetic people.
  • Get a good night sleep.
  • Meditate daily.
  • Read a good book.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Take high quality supplements.
  • Enjoy a glass of organic red wine!
  • Plant some lettuce.

Would you like my support to get you there?  Click here to learn more about my 90 Day Fit and Fabulous Program.

Cinnamon Butter Cookies

Cinnamon Butter Cookies with Liz Finley!

Lizzie is a client of mine. She starting working with me in August. I am so impressed how Liz committed to the Fit and Fabulous Program and she has seen results!

Her goal was to lose weight and to feel her best. She has lost 13 pounds. She has eliminated the sugar and diet soda in her diet. Liz focuses on eating a balanced clean diet and she takes pharmaceutical grade supplements. She trains with me twice a week and walks the other days. She has increased her weights and is getting stronger while shedding the pounds!

She has been asking me for cookie recipes that she can enjoy during the Holidays. She doesn’t want the sugar. Today, after the workout we made Cinnamon Butter Cookies with only 5 ingredients!

I found the recipe online. Thank you Jenny Fitness!


  • 2 cup almond flour
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract ( non alcohol )
  • ½ cup grassfed butter ( room temp )
  • 1 tsp liquid stevia



  • Preheat oven to 300 degrees.
  • Mix everything in a bowl, forget the spatula and just use your hands.
  • Form into little bites ( about 24 ) and place on parchment paper on baking sheet.
  • Press lightly with fork.
  • Bake until golden brown ( about 20 minutes ).


* Makes approximately 24 cookies, 1 serving = 2 cookies
* Approx per serving: 180 calories, 17g fat, 4g protein, 4g carb, 2g fiber

I love that you can mix the batter with your hands. It is so simple and easy! They are cookies that are good for you!

Please give these a try and share the recipe with your friends. Let me know how you like them!



Butter Pecan Fat Bombs!

Does eating Fat scare you?

Let me start this post by telling you that I have released 7 pounds this past year by eating more healthy fats! In the process, I have reduced my sugar and grains. The amazing part is I really don’t miss it.

I am determined to have a happy, healthy and cozy December because I don’t want to detox in the New Year!

I am excited to share some fun healthy recipes with you this month!

Here is a fabulous easy recipe for you. Happy December!

The basic recipe is from Mark Sisson’s The Keto Reset Diet.

1/3 cup coconut oil

1/3 cup coconut butter

Melt in a double boiler and then add your flavorings. Today I added 1 TBS ghee and 1/4 chopped pecans. Pour into a silicon mini muffin mold. I have the regular mold so they come out like wafers. Freeze. Pop the fat bombs into an air tight container and keep in the refridgerator or freezer.

Recipe makes 10 fat bombs. 123 calories.

Give them a try and let me know what you think!

Happy December!


Are you searching for coziness like I was?  Check out the Hygge December Challenge with Andreea of Little Bites of Joy.

Grain Free Chocolate Chunk Cookies~

Grain Free and super low sugar delcious chocolate chunk cookies!  I am committed to a healthy December and 2018! I don’t want to repeat last January of no sugar, no gluten, no alcohol because I over did the Holidays! I hope you will join me in a healthy, happy, and cozy December!

Here is a fabulous cookie recipe. You don’t need to bake the cookies that your Grandmother made. These are so easy, all you need is a spoon and a bowl to mix. Quick and easy is how we like it! Start a new tradition of your own! Thomas loves them too!

Grain Free Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Prep Time: 15 min.
Total Time: 45 min.
Makes: 16 delicious cookies


  • 2 cups cashew flour
  • 3 tbsp. grass-fed butter
  • 3 tbsp. sugar
  • 2 tsp. vanilla
  • 1 pastured egg
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1/3 cup  chocolate, chopped. (I bought a very dark chocolate bar and used half of it.)


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 F. Line a baking tray with parchment paper.
  2. Add the cashew flour, salt and baking powder into a bowl.
  3. Pour the apple cider vinegar directly on top of the baking powder and allow it to react (it will go fizzy).
  4. Add the remaining ingredients to the bowl and stir to combine evenly.
  5. Begin rolling the mixture into balls and place them onto a parchment lined baking tray.
  6. Press the balls as flat as you like, they won’t rise much, so if you like them softer and chewier keep them quite full. However, if you like a crunchier cookie, press them quite flat using your hands to shape them.
  7. Place the cookies in the oven and bake for 15 minutes, or until golden brown.
  8. Remove from the oven when they’re ready and place the cookies on a wire cooling rack.
  9. Store in an airtight container when completely cooled.