90 Day Fit and Fabulous Gold Program

The 90 day Program is closed now. Please fill out contact form if you would like to be put on the list to be contacted in the future. Thanks, Mary


Are you a woman over 50 who wants to be active in your life instead of sitting on the sidelines?

Have you put on weight and are frustrated because you can’t seem to get rid of it?

Are you tired of putting on your jeans and having to adjust the waist band because of the extra roll around your belly? 

Or have you given up and your wardrobe has become pants with and elastic waist band and flowing tops?

Of course, you want to feel great, confident, and move with grace and vitality through out your day.

I am now able to wear my favorite jeans with a belt. Weighing in at 139!


Here is how we will work together.

  1. State of your Health.You’ll fill out an in-depth questionnaire that will help me understand your needs. This comprehensive look at YOU covers everything from your aches and pains, how you move, what you are eating, to how you feel in your clothes. We will use this information to establish a baseline so we can track your progress.
  2. Reset your health. We will begin with a 7-day program to eliminate foods that cause inflammation. This will balance your blood sugar and reduce cravings. This program will change you from a sugar burner to a fat burner. There is an amazing freedom that comes from that!  I’ll provide guidance on recipes, eating, and shopping tips for starting and easing into the program. There will be daily support via our private Facebook group to keep you inspired and on track. Of course, you can access me through email.
  3. Nutrition for vibrant health. YOU will have one on one conversations with me about your health goals and how we can work together to get you there.  I will help you adapt the current research on optimal nutrition for healthy living and long life, to your lifestyle. I will help you move into a life-long eating program (not a diet!), complete with recipes, guidance, kitchen help/shopping…etc. As a result of these changes, you will experience weight loss, more energy, strength and flexibility. In the morning when you get dressed, you will notice your clothes are fitting so much better. You will move through your day with confidence, strength, and joy, free from food cravings. This is a lifelong program that works!  This step is key to your success. Accountability is so important.
  4. Strengthen your body. You’ll participate in my OutdoorFit program. You will continue to be part of our fabulous small group community and receive customized feedback from me.  My focus is on your strength, balance, flexibility and endurance.
  5. COMPLETE nutrition for your body.Today’s diet does not provide all the minerals and vitamins your body needs.  You simply can’t eat enough variety every single day for optimal well-being. I strongly believe in this, and I want to give you every opportunity for success. I am including the first 28 days of the USANA CellSentials with the program. My family and I have been taking USANA supplements for the past ten years. I wanted only the best pharmaceutical grade supplements to recommend to my clients.
  6.  Holistic Tips for a Happy Healthy Life. There’s more to vibrant health than diet and exercise. I will provide great tips on creating a soothing clutter free home environment, as well as the importance of restful sleep, meditation, and spending time outside daily.

This program will help you get physically stronger, lose excess weight, reduce nagging aches and pains and have more energy.  As a result, you will feel stronger. You will move with more ease and confidence. And, you’ll have a healthy glow that emanates from the inside out!

“I don’t feel that I am too hungry or deprived. My clothes are already fitting better. It is so great to be doing this with Mary.” Wendy 51

“I have so much energy! I am sleeping much better. I don’t feel like I am missing out. I want this to be a way of life.” Ivone 57

Elena is finishing up her 90 days with me . She has lost over 11 pounds and 2 inches off her waist. She has become an OutdoorFit Winter Warrior at 50 something ! It only gets better from here .


3 Months Unlimited OutdoorFit  (if you are local, price adjustment if you can’t make OF.)

3- 45 minute one on one health coaching sessions.

One month of the USANA Cellsentials. I will check in after the first month and customize your supplement needs.

Private Facebook group for support and information.

Delicious Easy Recipes

 Unlimited email access to me.


You can start when you are ready.  You will begin to notice a difference in the first few days. Honestly, this is a great time to start my 90 Day Fit and Fabulous Gold Program. What would it be like to shift from being a sugar burner to a fat burner?  You will feel pretty amazing and proud of yourself. You will say no thank you to cookies, desserts and too many glasses of wine. You will be astounded that you can have a small bite of cheesecake and feel perfectly satisfied.  Is there a little black dress hanging in the closet waiting for you to fit into it???
Let’s get started! 

PS. This morning, I weighed myself. 138.2. I am down 10lbs! This program works and I still have a lovely glass of wine with dinner. All is well! 
Join me in the Fit and Fabulous Gold Program.

Contact me to set up a time to talk to see if this program is right for you.  The First step to Fabulous!