Favorite Pair of Faded Jeans Fit!


You go into your closet and pull out your favorite pair of old favorite jeans and they fit! Isn’t that a dream come true?

Check out the video, I have some exciting news to share!

A few questions for you.

Are you a woman over 50 who wants to be active in your life instead of sitting on the sidelines?

Have you put on weight and are frustrated because you can’t seem to get rid of it?

Are you tired of putting on your jeans and having to adjust the waist band because of the extra roll around your belly?

Or have you given up and your wardrobe has become pants with and elastic waist band and flowing tops?

Of course, you want to feel great, confident, and move with grace and vitality through out your day.

I have created a 90 Day Fit and Fabulous Gold Program. Head over to the Program’s page to learn more.

I would love for you to be a part of my Fit and Fabulous…Aging Optional Community!

Next Session begins Monday October 1st! Registration closes Friday September 28th.

Bonus! Register by September 21st and SAVE! Become Fit and Fabulous with the exclusive OutdoorFit price!

Fit and Fabulous 90 Day Gold Program!

Sustainable Fitness and Weight Management.

I feel a shift. It is all coming together. In the flow… 2 months ago I decided to increase the fat in my diet. I put coconut oil in my coffee and avocados in my morning smoothie. I have decreased the waffles, bread and pasta in my life. AND THE BLESSING ? It has been easy.

The Benefits?  I feel good, I am sleeping better, NEWS FLASH… sometimes through the night! I have lost a few pounds. The bloat is gone and my menopausal belly is shrinking.  BONUS ROUND. I am off my bio-identical hormones! Friends are starting to tell me that I LOOK GREAT!

I am not telling you all of this to brag. I am telling you this because it is possible for you too!

More info? Here is a video that I created for Team Northrup and the MY JUMP START program. (The 7 day JUMPSTART Kit is coming out soon.)

I will keep you posted. Are you looking for an excellent protein base now? 0 grams of sugar. I have been using the soy base this week. I know it is non-gmo and Pure! It is good to switch things up.


“Fat Makes You Smart, Sexy and Happy.”

Great News!!!

“Fat Makes You Smart, Sexy and Happy.” Chapter 9 of Dr. Hyman’s book EAT FAT, GET THIN.

Great news in this book!

Great news in this book!


I will give you some great bullet points from Dr. Hyman’s book.

  • EATING FAT REVERSES TYPE 2 DIABETES (and improves blood sugar control for Type 1)
  • EATING FAT GIVES YOU BEAUTIFUL SKIN, HAIR AND NAILS!!!! (exclamation points are mine, image is everything:)


I have increased my fat quite a bit in the last ten days. It is important to eat high quality healthy fats. For example, I am having coconut oil in my coffee every morning and eating an avocado daily. I feel grounded, less bloated, less hungry and it has been easier not to overeat.

coconut & coffee

I am very interested in all of this. I am putting together a 28 day test group to see what the effects are. My intention is to lose a few pounds, reduce the menopausal belly and feel absolutely fabulous! Would you like to join me?

“It is about finding the simplest, most effective ways to get the body you want with as little effort and anxiety as possible.”

                                                                                                                                            Krissy Mae Cagney

Contact me if you are interested in the details.

Butter in my coffee:)

I am trying something new. Have you heard of intermittent fasting? How about putting butter in your coffee?

I am getting up at 6 am and making an organic cup of french roast coffee in my french press pot and adding a TBS of my delicious ghee. I made ghee from the unsalted Kerry Gold Irish butter the last time. SO CREAMY AND DELICIOUS! I enjoy the coffee and walk George the dog a mile. I am getting some exercise without eating.

Coffee with ghee!

Coffee with ghee!

After taking Thomas to his program at 9 am, I come home and have breakfast. I haven’t eaten for 14 hours. It is a completely different thought process of having breakfast first thing in the morning. I know many wait until later but for now I am hungry at 9 and I feel like I better eat something!

This was my breakfast this morning. An organic granny smith apple, organic cottage cheese , almond butter and sprinkled with cinnamon.

Grain Free and delicious!

Grain Free and delicious!

A three minute video. What do you think? Have you tried this? It is a process.

From my friend and mentor Penny Northrup Kirk…”Hooray! And a big YES to FAT!” A tweetable:)


Warm up


Flexibility is so important for our health and well being! I am focused on height and not shrinking with age. Here is a 7 minute warm up that I have incorporated into my workouts. So important to be flexible and feeling fabulous! Give it a try and let me know how it works for you.

Are you local? Spring is a perfect time to start a fitness program.! Change things up…a new beginning! Here is the schedule to my workouts. Let me know ahead of time if you are coming. (Sometimes the schedule changes.)

My Green Money Socks!

I have been reading GET RICH LUCKY BITCH!:Release your money blocks and live a first class life by Denise Duffield Thomas

The title is a bit crass but I love the book. Denise gets right to the point. She wants you to focus on making money, to keep track of what is coming in. I have done lots of work on what is going out. The key is to focus on what you want. I have a tablet on my refrigerator and I write down everything I bring in. A penny on the street is worth picking up celebrating and writing it on the pad according to Thomas.

I wanted to share  from her book.


  1. Declutter everything in your life.
  2. Decide exactly what you want.
  3. Surround your life with positivity.
  4. Take inspired action.
  5. Receive and fine tune.

Yesterday, my bank was giving out free polka dot socks! I thought it was an excellent sign! #cashflow






Healthy Wealthy Fit


It is 2016. It is time for me to get my financial house in order. I am 61. My life has been family oriented. I am very fortunate because I was and am a stay at home Mom. My husband worked and took care. Our son Thomas 26 and developmentally disabled lives at home.  I have worked through out my life but always on a part time basis and for myself so I could set my working hours around the needs of my family.

Now, I want to create my own substantial income. This is one part of my life that has been missing. I need to know that I can do this. I am expanding my focus from Healthy and Fit to Healthy, Wealthy and Fit.  Healthy and Fit I have a handle on. Financial well being  is certainly related to health.

So much more to come!

Now, this is FASHION!


“Nothing is more empowering than getting control over your spending, your money beliefs, and your cash flow. And nothing is more thrilling than seeing your bank account grow as a result of these changes. Anyone can take the same steps I’ve taken to achieve peace of mind and better financial and physical health. The first step is simply knowing you can do it! ” Dr. Christiane Northrup

Please hop on over and like MY NEW FACEBOOK PAGE.