He was Smart, Athletic, Good Looking and Drove a 1961 Red PV 544 Volvo.

He was Smart, Athletic, Good Looking and Drove a 1961 Red PV 544 Volvo is the title of a 3000 word chapter that I wrote, and after much personal anguish, didn’t submit. I joined a women’s group last spring called The Wild and Wise Women. They decided they wanted to write a book together. We were each asked to write a chapter about the effect of the pandemic on our lives, and the importance of community during this time. On some level, I thought it would be good for me to write a chapter. I love the idea of being a writer, even though it has never come easily to me. I envision being Diane Keaton in the movie Something’s Gotta Give. I am sitting at my desk overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, writing an amazing chapter that everyone wants to read, and finds fascinating. The truth is, I spent months not writing it, and when I did sit down to write, I didn’t enjoy the experience. I ended up with a knot in my right shoulder from bending over typing on my Mac computer.

The deadline for the rough draft was the end of September. I read the draft again and again. My editor is my husband Dan, who is also the smart, athletic, good looking guy who drove a 1961 RV 544 Volvo. He read my chapter, and told me I was all over the place, but I could change it around. I knew that, but I didn’t want to spend another minute on it. I spent the afternoon having a melt down. Why? Was it because I wasn’t handing in my homework? Was I quitting on myself, or was I upset I was letting the Wild and Wise women down?

The real question is why was it so hard to decide one way or the other? I got together with Vicky of 2 Grandmas and A Microphone, and we talked about resistance and self sabotage in the video. Do you struggle with making a decision ? Do you procrastinate ? We all do. It was helpful to talk with Vicky. I hope you will find it helpful as well.

“Answer the call to what excites your spirit.” Rumi

Thanks for reading and watching.



It went much deeper than how much money you want to make.

It is the New Year! Do you do take the time to do an annual review? Do you set intentions for the upcoming year? How do you define success? Three great questions that I’m resistant to answer. Recently, I joined Andreea Fegan’s Little Bites of Joy community group. Sunday, Andreea led us through a vision workshop. We talked about how we define our successes and how we want to feel on a daily basis. It went much deeper than how much money you make, or how many followers you have on Instagram.

During the workshop, Andreea told us to write down how you want to feel during the day. How do you make other’s feel?

Here is my list.

  • I want to go through my day with Ease and Grace (I stole that from one of the woman on the call.)
  • Confident
  • Enthusiastic
  • Grateful
  • Grounded
  • Happy

Don’t you feel good when you are around happy, enthusiastic, grounded people? I did have peaceful, but I changed it to grounded. It feels more authentic. I love authentic people! I feel like I am pretty authentic already. I don’t know how to be any other way.

I define my success with numbers. If you run a business, it is important to know your numbers. I always check my monthly revenue, but then I tally how many people are in my OutdoorFit program, and how many people watch a video or read a blog post. I’m disappointed if I don’t reach a certain number of views. Some of my feelings of self worth appear to be tied into how many views I get. Andreea suggested going beyond the numbers and consider what kind of an impact are you making. You never know who reads your posts or watches your videos. Maybe when I encourage others to drink more water or do a round of mountain climbers I am having an impact. Are my viewers having a life changing moment? I hope so.

In my OutdoorFit membership group, we started A 28 Day Feel Fabulous Program. It is all about making small changes to feel better. Click here if one of your intentions is to feel fabulous in the New Year! I hope to see you soon.



Day 1
Feel Fabulous Program
Clean out the Fridge!

What does Age have to do with it?

I am 61. I am telling you that because I don’t want you to limit yourself because of your age.

I have women tell me that they can’t do what I do. The truth is that you can if you want to. 10 years ago, I could not do a decent push-up. Today, I can do a phenomenal push-up, even off the ground. A previous post:)

Here is a video to get you started on your way to doing a push-up. A push-up is an incredible exercise when done properly. I include them in every workout. It is an excellent core exercise while working on your pectoral muscle and triceps. The muscles you need to look great in that little black dress. (if that is what motivates you) For me, push-ups are very empowering. I feel strong when I do them.

I am including exercise videos in THE PROGRAM!

Give yourself 4 weeks to become stronger, leaner and more energetic.

Check it out!

An incredible powerful workout!

Here is the short version of the story. In March of 2014, I hurt the left side of my lower back doing nothing. We all know how that goes. I was in so much pain, I had to take drugs, pain killer, anti inflammatory and muscle relaxants.  I have put so much time and effort into getting myself back together. PT, acupuncture, massage, 3 different chiropractors and  structural integration work. It all helped to some extent. I wanted to learn how take care of myself.

I found Foundation training by Dr. Eric Goodman through Dr. Mercola. Dr. Goodman is a chiropractor who created a series of exercises to heal his own back issues. “Foundation Training activates your posterior muscle chain and teaches your body to take the burden of supporting the body out of your joints and put it where it belongs, in your muscles. ”

I have been doing some of his workouts and of course I added them to my Fit and Fabulous workouts. I am striving to find the balance between impact, strength and recovery. I do love the impact, running, jumping ropes, mountain climbers, burpees etc.

At times, the issue in my back creates tightness down my IT band and has caused numbness around my knee. I am able to manage it for the most part but I want to be 100%.   I found Dr. Phil Pritting, a chiropractor at Integrative Wellness in Belmar who worked with Dr. Goodman and is certified in Foundation Training. He took my training to a whole different level. Today was my last day with him because Phil is moving back to California. Too bad for me but I wish Phil the best. He is on to new experiences.

Here is a short video of one of the exercises that has been so helpful!

The point of all of this is don’t give up. Your body has an amazing capacity to heal itself. It is not easy but so important for your own well being!

Friday’s Food Journal

I don’t normally journal about my food. These past three weeks I have been, at least a few times a week. I wanted to record what I was eating so I would be able to share what worked for me on The Program. #burningmenopausalbellyfat

Why keep a Food Journal?

  • Proven method for weight loss.
  • Helps you understand your eating habits. (jot down how you are feeling.)
  • If I am writing it down, my diet is better, keeps me focused on the good food choices.
  • Measuring is important in the beginning. I no longer measure because I have a sense of what the portion should be. If I stop dropping the pounds I will go back and measure.
  • It is great to include your exercise for the day as well.
  • You will begin to understand what is working and what isn’t.

Love the Sharpie!

Love the Sharpie!

There are all sorts of apps  that will record for you. I enjoy my notebook and writing it down.

I love reading what other people eat and what their day looks like? Do you?

That is it for today!



Week two …3 pounds lighter.

It is Progress. Heading in the right direction. Half a pound this week according to the scale. It feels like more, my pants are definitely looser and my belly is flatter. Keep on going.

My Big News!

I have created THE PROGRAM! Are you ready to join me on the Fit and Fabulous…Aging Optional Journey. It is so much easier when we are all in this together!

Watch this and see what you think.

I didn’t go into the food in the video. I have been eating well. One night, I had sirloin steak, roasted vegetables and red wine. So delicious!  Last night we had cod and scallops over pasta.   I have changed a few things in my diet. These small changes have made a difference. I can help you too!

Sirloin steak, roasted vegetables and a glass of red wine! Delicious!

Sirloin steak, roasted vegetables and a glass of red wine! Delicious!

Are you ready to be Fit and Fabulous…Aging Optional?

Click here

I have been BENCHED!

It is time to rest, which is not an easy thing for me to do. I love working out with my group. I love how I feel when I workout. Doing pushups, mountain climbers and burpees is  all very empowering.

Sometimes your body tells you to slow down and take care of yourself. My body probably has been telling me that for awhile but I don’t like to hear it.

This weekend went spent hours in the car and my back seized up so now I really need to rest, ice and some foam rolling.  Movement is good but I can’t push it to the pain level. I tend to push through the pain as an athlete you learn to do that. Right? I don’t need to anymore. The goal is to be healthy, fit and feeling good.

So for now I have been benched.

Sometimes you just need to sit on a swing.

Sometimes you just need to sit on a swing.

Actually, I can move as I want as long as it doesn’t cause pain. Movement is good, pain causes inflammation. It is especially important to be taking my supplements now. They will help reduce the inflammation in my body.

How do you do with taking time off from working out? Does it make you cranky, irritable or are you happy to have a break? I would love to hear from you.

Take away…be nice to yourself!



Macadamia Nuts

We have had a great first week at my new workouts! It feels great to be back at it with my friends! We are all on the journey to being Fit and Fabulous…Aging Optional except for Kate because she is pregnant and is having a beautiful Thanksgiving BABY!  She showed up this morning to workout with us!

Health Tip of the week!

EAT MORE FAT! Instead of reaching for the pretzels  have a few raw macadamia nuts. My dad traveled a lot when I was growing up. He would bring home little containers of macadamia nuts from the airlines, such a treat for me!

If you are having a piece of fruit have a few nuts along with it. Nuts lower the glycemic load of the fruit. It is so important to keep your blood sugar balanced so you can release the FAT!

Raw macadamia nuts are high in the same healthy fatty acid found in olive oil. They are full of essential minerals, vitamins and HEALTHY FATS! They are also delicious and loaded with calories. 203 calories in 10-12 nuts. I put a serving size in a pretty dish and try to limit myself to that.



12 minute fat burning workout!

I am creating a new program which starts next Thursday …check local workout page for more details!

What is the minimum You  need to do to stay in Fit and Fabulous shape?

Today’s workout  includes 30 push-ups and 30 burpees! I think that is enough.

First, I did  my PT back exercise to warm up, a mile run/ walk with George the dog , my 12 minute fat-burning workout and finished up with a few yoga stretches . A perfect workout!

30 seconds of jumping jacks

10 push ups with a T

30 seconds alternating rear lunge with a cute knee lift

10 burpees

30 second plank

Complete three rounds and don’t forget to stretch.

