He was Smart, Athletic, Good Looking and Drove a 1961 Red PV 544 Volvo.

He was Smart, Athletic, Good Looking and Drove a 1961 Red PV 544 Volvo is the title of a 3000 word chapter that I wrote, and after much personal anguish, didn’t submit. I joined a women’s group last spring called The Wild and Wise Women. They decided they wanted to write a book together. We were each asked to write a chapter about the effect of the pandemic on our lives, and the importance of community during this time. On some level, I thought it would be good for me to write a chapter. I love the idea of being a writer, even though it has never come easily to me. I envision being Diane Keaton in the movie Something’s Gotta Give. I am sitting at my desk overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, writing an amazing chapter that everyone wants to read, and finds fascinating. The truth is, I spent months not writing it, and when I did sit down to write, I didn’t enjoy the experience. I ended up with a knot in my right shoulder from bending over typing on my Mac computer.

The deadline for the rough draft was the end of September. I read the draft again and again. My editor is my husband Dan, who is also the smart, athletic, good looking guy who drove a 1961 RV 544 Volvo. He read my chapter, and told me I was all over the place, but I could change it around. I knew that, but I didn’t want to spend another minute on it. I spent the afternoon having a melt down. Why? Was it because I wasn’t handing in my homework? Was I quitting on myself, or was I upset I was letting the Wild and Wise women down?

The real question is why was it so hard to decide one way or the other? I got together with Vicky of 2 Grandmas and A Microphone, and we talked about resistance and self sabotage in the video. Do you struggle with making a decision ? Do you procrastinate ? We all do. It was helpful to talk with Vicky. I hope you will find it helpful as well.

“Answer the call to what excites your spirit.” Rumi

Thanks for reading and watching.



It went much deeper than how much money you want to make.

It is the New Year! Do you do take the time to do an annual review? Do you set intentions for the upcoming year? How do you define success? Three great questions that I’m resistant to answer. Recently, I joined Andreea Fegan’s Little Bites of Joy community group. Sunday, Andreea led us through a vision workshop. We talked about how we define our successes and how we want to feel on a daily basis. It went much deeper than how much money you make, or how many followers you have on Instagram.

During the workshop, Andreea told us to write down how you want to feel during the day. How do you make other’s feel?

Here is my list.

  • I want to go through my day with Ease and Grace (I stole that from one of the woman on the call.)
  • Confident
  • Enthusiastic
  • Grateful
  • Grounded
  • Happy

Don’t you feel good when you are around happy, enthusiastic, grounded people? I did have peaceful, but I changed it to grounded. It feels more authentic. I love authentic people! I feel like I am pretty authentic already. I don’t know how to be any other way.

I define my success with numbers. If you run a business, it is important to know your numbers. I always check my monthly revenue, but then I tally how many people are in my OutdoorFit program, and how many people watch a video or read a blog post. I’m disappointed if I don’t reach a certain number of views. Some of my feelings of self worth appear to be tied into how many views I get. Andreea suggested going beyond the numbers and consider what kind of an impact are you making. You never know who reads your posts or watches your videos. Maybe when I encourage others to drink more water or do a round of mountain climbers I am having an impact. Are my viewers having a life changing moment? I hope so.

In my OutdoorFit membership group, we started A 28 Day Feel Fabulous Program. It is all about making small changes to feel better. Click here if one of your intentions is to feel fabulous in the New Year! I hope to see you soon.



Day 1
Feel Fabulous Program
Clean out the Fridge!

I want all of you to have a healthy mouth!

Recently, I watched Bulletproof radio on You Tube. Dave Asprey interviewed Trina Felber, RN of Primal Life Organics. The episode was about dental care and the microbiome in your mouth. The problem with all of these health and wellness podcasts are that I want to buy everything they recommend. Trina’s company sells lots of products which I am sure are amazing. I need to watch myself, because I like to keep it simple. I don’t like clutter and too much stuff around. I decided to start with toothpowder and take it from there. During the podcast, Trina talked about all of the toxins in your typical toothpaste. I am especially concerned about fluoride. I have looked into fluoride, and I don’t want it in our toothpaste. Tom, my special needs son, has issues brushing his teeth. I want Tom to be as independent as possible, but I know when left on his own he doesn’t brush his teeth well. I am now brushing Tom’s teeth twice a day for 2 minutes.

Primal Organic Life’s tooth powder is very simple. It contains 3 main ingredients, clay, baking soda and essential oil.

From the Primal Life Organics website: “We blended cleansing, mineral-rich bentonite, kaolin, and French green clays with a touch of alkalizing baking soda and flavored it with essential oil for a WOW your mouth will love every time you brush. Your tongue will be amazed at how smooth your teeth feel! Brushing twice a day is something your mouth will look forward to! Dirty Mouth Toothpowder for stronger, whiter, and clean feeling teeth that leaves your mouth feeling fresh and alive!”

My teeth have changed since menopause. I’m not sure exactly how to describe it, but they feel rougher. I also have had issues with burning mouth. I am interested in maintaining a clean, healthy mouth. I am really looking forward to trying the toothpowder. Update: The toothpowder arrived yesterday. I have used it twice and I already love it. It is very exciting to me that the powder is naturally anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal. I know I am on my way to having happy microbiome, a clean healthy mouth and strong teeth. As a punishment for mouthing off as a kid, my mom would wash my mouth out with soap . Brushing my teeth with tooth powder is a much better option.

Here is 2 Grandma and a Microphone #12. Vicky and I talked about the tooth powder and brushing your teeth two minutes twice a day. We also covered buying Christmas trees, and Vicky’s feelings about being part of the book Corona City. This video was created on a cold December day. Make a cup of hot tea and enjoy!

Happy December!



Have a chunk of kimchi.

Thanksgiving week, I was able to have a cup of coffee and take a walk with my niece Julia. We don’t get to see each other very often, and I am so grateful for our time together. She has inspired me to take some simple steps to feel better. I do take good care of myself, but the pandemic and having Thomas home has created extra stress. I was taking small steps to make things worse instead of better. I know it doesn’t sound like much. I like to make grain free cookies and instead of adding a squirt of liquid stevia to sweeten the cookies I have been adding coconut sugar instead. I was drinking a few more ounces of wine at night. You get the picture. It all adds up and I can feel it in my body.

Julia looks and feels amazing. She is an incredibly athletic, and is great to be around because of her positive energetic attitude. Of course, I wanted to know about Julia’s diet. I always love talking to people about what they eat. Julia eats a very clean diet. She buys raw milk and raw butter. She knows what the chickens eat that produce the eggs she buys. Somedays, she will cook a grass fed grass finished rib eye for lunch. She eats a lot of fermented vegetables, and loves kimchi. On my way home, I stopped and bought kimchi at the local health food store. I have been eating a chunk before each meal. It is so good for your gut and helps to eliminate sugar cravings.

Here is our latest 2 Grandmas and A Microphone video. We talked about kimchi, Julia enjoying a cold open water swim in a bikini and so much more.


Love, Mary


Julia, 2 mile Alcatraz swim. 57 degrees!

Honesty, Integrity, Authenticity and a Project.

Vicky Perry and I just completed the 9th episode of 2 Grandmas and A Microphone. What started out as a conversation on a bench by the marina grew into what we are now calling a project. I looked up the definition of a project. It is “an individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned to achieve a particular aim.” I love a good project!

Vicky and I are 2 Grandmothers having open and honest conversations. . Honesty, integrity and doing my best at being authentic have always been my priorities. Our talks the past 9 weeks have reaffirmed the importance of these qualities for me. I need to add kindness to list as well. I feel life works so much better that way.

I also know I expect honesty from people. I am hoping the leaders of this country will step up and lead with integrity. It is a real problem to me when individuals don’t act that way. As I mentioned in the videos, dishonesty and distrust literally makes me feel sick to my stomach. I am learning to manage all of the stress and agitation through meditation, breathing exercises and taking great care of myself. I eat well, and of course, I exercise. Have you heard of OutdoorFit?

Be Strong – Be Healthy – Be Powerful

I hope our videos are inspiring to you. Here is Episode 9 of 2 Grandmas and A Microphone. Vicky and I are learning the technical aspect of creating these videos. We will get better. We ordered microphones for episode 10!

Vicky uses washing her dishes as a spiritual practice. What a great idea… You feel better and your dishes are clean!

I would love to hear from you. What is important to you? How are you taking care of yourself?

Thanks for reading.



It is time for the healing to begin.

“We each have our own part to do in the healing of our country. That’s our individual responsibility.” Victoria Perry

Vicky and I got together for 2 Grandmas and A Microphone #8! So many emotions have come up for me these past 8 weeks. I have spent way too much time feeling agitated and annoyed. I get triggered by other people’s opinions, especially when they don’t agree with mine. I can feel the agitation take over my body when someone is offended by what I have said. Hopefully I am done. I only have control over myself. I have committed to feeling better. This week, I began meditating twice a day. It has been so helpful. In the morning, I spend 10 minutes being quiet and asking God what he wants from me today. It is amazing the focus and peace it brings. In the afternoon, I lay down and do Wim Hoff breathing plus a 10 minute guided meditation. I am spending a total of a half hour a day activating my parasympathetic nervous system. There is still a part of me that feels like I am wasting my time. I bet I scroll through social media 30 minutes a day. Which one is a waste of my time?

Here is 2 Grandmas and A Microphone #8

What did the episode bring up for you? Do you have the same common grounds that Vicky and I do? Was there anything you disagreed with? Don’t worry, I know how to breathe through the disagreement.

How are you taking care of yourself during these stressful times? Exercise is always a great way to deal with your stress. I would love for you to come to OutdoorFit. We are online as well as working out outside. We just started an 8 point plank challenge. It is not too late to join us.



Be Strong – Be Healthy -Be Powerful – Be OutdoorFit