Pay attention, your body has something to say.

Vicky Perry and I got together for 2 Grandmas and a Microphone #4. I have enjoyed our weekly conversations and I hope they have been helpful to you. This week Vicky shares how she was diagnosed in her 30’s with an ovarian cyst which was the size of an orange. Her Doctor wanted to schedule her for surgery. She told her doctor, “no way”. She went on a spiritual journey to heal herself. Push play to hear the whole story.

Body, Mind And Spirit.

Doctor’s are important. I listen to what they have to say, but I don’t always do what they tell me to do. A few years ago, I hurt my SI Joint. I was in so much pain and I was scared. I built a business around being strong and healthy. Was this the beginning of not being able to do what I enjoy? I went to see my Chiropractor who asked “how old are you now?” He brought out my X-rays to show me how screwed up my low back was. I will spare you the details. He told me I needed to stop sprinting, doing burpees, and mountain climbers. He told me to start swimming. I had gone that route before and it was not fun for me. So, I found another chiropractor who is certified in Foundation Training. He taught me how to get my life back and he believed it was possible. I am so grateful. Of course, I share these exercises with my OutdoorFit ladies. I end every workout with Foundation Training.

OutdoorFit women are Fit and Fabulous… Aging Optional! Click here if you would like to join us. We are outside and I am also livestreaming the workouts. You can join in from anywhere!

I would love to hear from you. Do you have a similar story to tell?




I had a glass of wine at DAY 50! My intention was to give up wine for 90 days. What can I say? I had enough. My stress level was building for a bunch of reasons. Last Tuesday which was Fat Tuesday, I thought what am I doing to myself? Why am I putting another layer of stress on myself. I decided I was done! I had a glass of wine for dinner and it was lovely.

My friends are asking, “What is next?” My Answer is Peace, Joy and Happiness.

I do so much better with small healthy steps. I don’t need to place restrictions on myself. It just doesn’t work in the long run. I loved the salad of the month and the green smoothie of the month. I was adding in healthy habits instead of taking something away.

Yippee! I am back on my balanced PROGRAM. Want to join me? Contact me and I will get you set up.

Enjoy your day!



Are you ready to feel your best in the New Year?

My intention for 2015 was to empower as many people as possible to become Fat Burners…Fit and Fabulous. It has been a wonderful year and 2016 is just around the corner.

We just finished a Fit and Fabulous Sugar cleanse. It takes 5 days to change from a sugar burner to a fat burner.

“I am proud to say I went to a wedding on Saturday, day after completing RESET, and did not cheat at all!! woo hoo – that’s big for me & the desert was creme brulee, my favorite!! so i can honestly say that my sugar craving has disappeared and hoping it will be for awhile!! down 5lbs and already feeling a little lighter.”  FROM A HAPPY FAT BURNER!

I blogged about Menopausal Belly, it was a high traffic day. I know it is an issue. What has happened? Why am I thicker around the middle? What can be done?

I have coached many people through   the 5 day Reset program. It will take you from being a sluggish sugar burner to a vibrant healthy fat burner.  I have coached many through the 5 day Reset and beyond. THE PROGRAM WORKS!

Are you a sugar burner or a fat burner?

If you are in Fat burning mode:

Sleep soundly through the night with no night sweats. (Menopausal women as well, decreased night sweats!)

Hunger will be at a minimum. You will have a feeling of emptiness not irritability, urgency, low blood sugar or a feeling of fogginess. You will be in a balanced state.

Mood will be stable. You will feel in control with more self confidence.

Energy will be consistent and abundant . You will develop a feeling of Lightness.

Cravings will be almost non-existent. You will be amazed that you can pass up on snacks that would have taken you down in the past.

Bonus Round…You will be losing Fat including that stubborn fat around the middle.

The BIG QUESTION! How do I become a FAT BURNER?

Start with the 5 day RESET. It takes 5 days to change from a sugar burner to a fat burner! You can totally change your life in 5 days. I will  support you along the way. We also have a wonderful facebook community where we post and create a Fit and Fabulous Lifestyle together. You are not alone. Do you want to be healthy and fit for the long run?  Hang with healthy and fit people! Bonus Round…Most people lose 4-5 pounds in five days and  your sugar cravings are eliminated! What a great way to jump start the New Year!

Yes, there is a chocolate shake in the box!

From one of my Fit and Fabulous gals! “I finished my 5 days on Reset yesterday. I thought it was going to be so much more difficult then it was and in fact it wasn’t difficult at all. My craving for sugar has subsided and I have never felt so good and proud of the 5 day accomplishment I have endured. Thank you Mary Kiningham for the guidance and the guidance as well as suggestions to keep going down this path of Swedish Fish free way of living”

Dr. Christiane Northrup describes the experience this way:

“I encourage you to eat in ways that will promote long-term health benefits. If you start eating healthier today, it’s likely you’ll be rewarded with weight-loss in five to ten days. After that, all you have to do is modify your lifestyle to maintain steady blood sugar. Here’s the best part: You can lose fat effectively while feeling great in the process. Keep your blood sugar stable and you’ll experience more energy; ability to sustain exercise; clearing of brain fog; ability to build muscle; less hunger—ability to control portion sizes and cravings; fewer PMS symptoms; better looking skin; deeper, more restful sleep; stable moods and more optimism; and clear eyes without puffiness or dark circles.”*

Who doesn’t want that???

Are you ready to order?

Rest and Restore

It has been 7 days of Rest and Restore.

This is one of the responses from my friend Jessica that I received after my last blog post about being benched.

” This is great! Nice reminder to everyone. Now, make a suggestion when you say “slow down and take care of you” so many people don’t even know what that means or how to do it so breaking it down with a few little/easy to mix into your day examples will show them even more how practical it can be. Right? Like even saying little things you do that help u to actually “slow down” (that aren’t the result of back pain) but just your normal day to day little things u throw in there to actually “slow down and take care”….!!!”

In so many ways I feel guilty about rest and restore. Something physical needs to happen to actually stop me. This week back spasm actually stopped me.

I have had a minor set back this week. I am striving for optimal health, fitness and feeling great. I want to achieve this in an easy way.  I am tried of pushing so hard to achieve it.  In the past, as a competitive runner, I pushed for years. I have been reading Dr. John Douillard’s author of Mind, Body, Sport work on Nose breathing.

I want to share one thing you  can easily integrate to rest and restore even while exercising.

Breathe in and out through your nose. It is amazing the difference this can create immediately. Breathing through your nose creates a calm and activates the parasympathetic nervous system. Breathing through your mouth is an emergency response, flight or fight as though you are being chased by a bear. Mouth breathing activates the sympathetic nervous system which tends to increase your heart rate and adrenaline.

While exercising, I would get confused when to breath in and when to breath out. Here is a tip from my smart husband, “Breath in and blow it up”. For example, while doing a pushup, breath in through your nose and BLOW IT UP out your nose while you are pushing your body up. (Great video idea…coming soon:) Make sense?

I would love to hear from you. How do you slow down and take care of yourself?

Slow down, Rest and Restore. Savor and appreciate.

Slow down, Rest and Restore. Savor and appreciate.

Are you ready to release your winter fat?

My intention for 2015 was to empower as many people as possible to become Fat Burners…Fit and Fabulous.

I gain a few pounds this winter, was eating more carbohydrates mostly gluten free but still extra carbs. It was a cold winter here in the northeast. It is time to lighten up.

Yesterday, I blogged about Menopausal Belly, it was a high traffic day. I know it is an issue. What has happened? Why am I thicker around the middle? I am going grain free for two weeks to see how I feel.

For some, that is too extreme so why not start with the 5 day Reset program. It will take you from being a sluggish sugar burner to a vibrant healthy fat burner.  I have coached many through the 5 day Reset and beyond. THE PROGRAM WORKS!

If you are in Fat burning mode:

Sleep soundly through the night with no night sweats. (Menopausal women as well, decreased night sweats!)

Hunger will be at a minimum. You will have a feeling of emptiness not irritability, urgency, low blood sugar or a feeling of fogginess. You will be in a balanced state.

Mood will be stable. You will feel in control with more self confidence.

Energy will be consistent and abundant . You will develop a feeling of Lightness.

Cravings will be almost non-existent. You will be amazed that you can pass up on snacks that would have taken you down in the past.

Bonus Round…You will be losing Fat including that stubborn fat around the middle.

The BIG QUESTION! How do I become a FAT BURNER?

Start with the 5 day RESET. It takes 5 days to change from a sugar burner to a fat burner! You can totally change your life in 5 days. I will  support you along the way. We also have a wonderful facebook community where we post and create a Fit and Fabulous Lifestyle together. You are not alone. Do you want to be healthy and fit?  Hang with healthy and fit people! Bonus Round…Most people lose 4-5 pounds in five days and  your sugar cravings are eliminated! What a great way to jump start the Spring!

Yes, there is a chocolate shake in the box!

From one of my Fit and Fabulous gals! “I finished my 5 days on Reset yesterday. I thought it was going to be so much more difficult then it was and in fact it wasn’t difficult at all. My craving for sugar has subsided and I have never felt so good and proud of the 5 day accomplishment I have endured. Thank you Mary Kiningham for the guidance and the guidance as well as suggestions to keep going down this path of Swedish Fish free way of living”

Dr. Christiane Northrup describes the experience this way:

“I encourage you to eat in ways that will promote long-term health benefits. If you start eating healthier today, it’s likely you’ll be rewarded with weight-loss in five to ten days. After that, all you have to do is modify your lifestyle to maintain steady blood sugar. Here’s the best part: You can lose fat effectively while feeling great in the process. Keep your blood sugar stable and you’ll experience more energy; ability to sustain exercise; clearing of brain fog; ability to build muscle; less hunger—ability to control portion sizes and cravings; fewer PMS symptoms; better looking skin; deeper, more restful sleep; stable moods and more optimism; and clear eyes without puffiness or dark circles.”*

Who doesn’t want that???

Are you ready to order? Do you need more info?

Happy Healthy Joints!

Here are three steps to Happy, Healthy Joints!

  1. Reduce your sugar intake. Sugar causes inflammation in your joints. It is amazing how much better you can feel when you stop eating so much sugar.
  2. Eat more foods with Omega 3’s such as,salmon, flax seeds, walnuts, eggs with omega 3 and chia seeds.
  3. Repair cartilage with a Joint health supplement.

A great snack!

A great snack!

Bonus Round, Squats are excellent exercise, they strengthen  the muscles that support your knees.  Dr. Oz will show you how to do a great squat. Here is a short clip from the Dr. Oz show about joint health.

Usana Health Science is now a proud sponsor of the Dr. Oz show!




If interested in improving the health of your joints, you can purchase Procosa which is a wonderful joint health supplement with glucosamine and curcumin from my site or contact me for the best price.

The Perfect Christmas Gift.

Do you reflect at the end of the year? Do you take time to think about what you accomplished in the past year? Do you set intentions for the New Year? I do kinda sort of…I hang out with people who take all of this very seriously. My intention is to take time to meditate and journal. I have bought so many journals and start but I don’t follow through.

I am part of a very special group and we talked quickly about what our “word” might be for 2015. I am thinking abundance, prosperity.Who doesn’t want that?  What I really want is to be inspired and creative and inspire others to do the same.  How do I make that happen? Meditating and journaling, being grateful for all the good that comes my way and taking some downtime to see what comes up. The other key component for me to remember and embrace is that everything is in divine order. I am working on giving up the chaos, control and letting God take the lead. It feels so much better when I remember that!

Christmas morning, I opened a very special present from a good friend. “A GOD BOX” On the box, it says Open for new ideas, Trust God, Life is unfolding in perfect order. WOW, it made me cry and gave me goose bumps all at the same time.

I know great things will be coming in the New Year for me and for you.

Do you set intentions for the New Year? Anything you would like to share? I would love to hear from you.



God box



I have been doing a lot of soul searching the past 6 months. I hurt my back and had to take some time off, physical therapy etc. I have always been athletic which is a very ego-driven adventure. Working out and being Fit is very important to me and my ego.

Christa and I created OutdoorFit 7 years ago. It has been a great run. We taught and encouraged women to do things they never thought they could do. My friend Jane became an athlete in her 60’s. We changed lives, created winter warriors and had a great time doing it!

It is time for a change, A NEW BEGINNING! A few weeks ago at a workout I looked up and in class we had two 70 something, three 60 something, two women in their 50’s and a youngster who just turned 40! I thought this is AMAZING! Fit and Fabulous…Aging Optional!!

It is time to create a different workout. It will still be intense but perhaps for 12 minutes instead of 25 minutes. 60 burpees in a workout is very empowering but not necessary for your health and well being. How about 25 or so? It will include more stretching… flexibility is key for any age.

I have also been tweaking my diet. I know I can’t exercise my way out of a BAD DIET! I don’t want to be working out so hard. So I need to be more aware of what I am putting in my mouth. I want to feel FABULOUS, VIBRANT and HEALTHY.

My program is coming together and will begin in September. I am excited to be announcing the details soon. So please stay tuned.

For a sneak preview, I am having a Fit and Fabulous event Thursday evening in Red Bank. I would love to see you there. More details here and please RSVP.



Sorry, in the shadows…These are AMAZING WOMEN!

fit and fabulous

Plant your lettuce and make a salad!

People say organic is expensive, you can buy a packet of seeds and grow heads of lettuce!

I invited myself over to Rosanne Monroe’s Organic garden on Sunday because I wanted to be inspired! I love creative passionate people and Rosanne is one of them. She loves to garden, grow her own food and make delicious meals from it. You never leave her home empty handed.

Eating organic healthy food is so important and to love the process is even better.

Fit and Fabulous…Aging Optional!

Here is a short video of Rosanne in her garden…the birds singing in the background and the church bells ringing are the perfect background sounds!

“I put the seeds in the ground and ten days later MIRACLES HAPPEN.” Rosanne Monroe

If you are inspired to plant please share and post your comments.

(Special thanks to RED our camera guy!)

Thank you!



PS. Grow your lettuce, make a salad, eat a salad and take your vitamins🙂

2014…This is the year!

Karin Ostrom HHC  and I are putting together a team of people who want to become Fit and Fabulous!

Did you know that community boost your immune system? Well, it does. Let’s do this together!

Here is a 4 minute video that goes over our program.

I will also  be creating a 4 week WINTER WARRIORS 101 fitness program that will be open to anyone who joins our program!

Karin and I look forward to supporting everyone on their health journey! All aglow!

You need to register by December 20th if you want to start with us on January 6th.