This is Exhilarating!

Last week’s blog was about feeling flat and a bit depressed. So much has changed in just a week. I reached out to my friend Dorian. I wrote about her in the blog 5 years ago. She was training for an ultra marathon at the time. A few weeks ago, I saw that her store, Shore Footed, was closing. She has been a great sneaker resource for years. I was sad to see the liquidation sign in the window. I asked her about the store and what was next. She told me she was training to beat the National record for her age in the mile. She is now 63 and needs to run a 5:37 mile! Training for the mile is totally different from training for a 100 mile race. I told her I wanted to train with her. I love Dorian’s enthusiasm, so I thought why not give it a shot? I need to do a sub 5:55 mile for my age at 68! I could run that 35 years ago but, it has been a long time since I have been on the track.

It is so exciting to be working at something that you are not sure if you can do it or not. Last Friday, we met at a high school track. She asked me if I have been running. No, not really, except for a few short trips around the neighborhood with Sophie the dog. Our first workout was 9-200’s. We ran them slow, medium and fast. OH MY! I did it and I felt good while doing it. The soreness set in quickly. My whole body was SORE for 5 days. I spent the weekend foam rolling, stretching, napping and taking epsom salt baths. I also plunged twice in the ocean. Tuesday, we met again. Our second workout was 6-400’s. We ran them slow, medium, and fast. My fastest one was a 2:05. If you do the math, it is a 8:20 mile if I could possibly keep that pace going. It is a long way to 5:55. That’s okay. It is all about the process, and I am doing something fun with Dorian. Dorian is an amazing athlete and I appreciate her running tips and encouragement. It feels great to be doing something different. I am eager to see how my body changes and how much faster I can go.

Tuesday, I plunged after the workout and then had a massage. I have no time to feel flat or bit depressed.

I do have my limits with Dorian. After the workout, she likes to warm down with a few hand stands and flips into the pole-vault pit. I told her that I wanted to finish the workout standing up and to be able to walk out to my car.

I also attended a Native plant workshop at our local library. It was very interesting. I am not sure how much time or energy I will have for gardening this year. I am working on being a 68 year old track star!

What have you been up to? I encourage you to try something new. It is exhilarating!



This is all so much fun!

I love being a 68 year old plungette! My friend Andrea took a photo of me in my bathing suit, so I could post about it. 50 years ago, I never would have had the confidence to have my photo taken in my suit, let alone post it. Of course, there was no posting back then.

Today was another great plunge. It was 65 degrees and partly cloudy in February. I picked up Andrea and headed to the beach to meet Lauren and Elena. I have the beach car. I don’t care if my car gets full of sand because I belong to the car wash club at the Shrewsbury car wash. As we drive over the Sea Bright bridge we can see the water. I check for white caps, hoping that it will be calm. It always feels surreal to me and is unbelievable that we are about to get into 40 degree water. We do it. We stay in for 5 minutes and 30 seconds. We talk, laugh and sometimes have waves crashing over our heads just to add to the excitement. Being in the water is not the difficult part. The hard part is getting our wet bathing suits off, and dressed as quickly as possible. Your hands stop working well because they are so cold. We all have big coats, so we can get changed under them right on the beach.

My brother Paul gave me snack packs of seaweed. He couldn’t believe that anyone would enjoy eating seaweed. I brought them to the beach to share with my fellow plungettes. Can you think of a more appropriate snack? Everyone loved them.

This is all so much fun! What are you doing for fun this winter?



What does it mean to be in your sixties?

What does it mean to be in your sixties? It feels surreal to me. I am 68, which is pushing 70. The OutdoorFit ladies are in their 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. I gear my OutdoorFit workouts to how my body feels. It is important for my own well being, and the well being of the women I coach. . We have one youngster in her 50’s. I have gotten very good at listening to my body. I have shifted our workouts to less burpees and more joint mobility work. I was having issues with my right shoulder and it was affecting my pushups and weight lifting. Since I incorporated mobility work into the workouts, my shoulder and arm are now pain free. I think it is so important not to keep pushing through pain, which I would have done in the past. I now investigate why something is hurting, fix it and carry on with my pushups! I know so many people give up as they grow older, and just stop working out. They might walk in their neighborhood and think that is enough. Strength training and flexibility are so important as we age.

It is exhilarating to try new things. I am so happy that I have found a group of women in their 60’s, and that one youngster in her 50’s, who are willing to jump in the ocean with me! We call it plunging. It sounds crazy, but it has so many benefits! Talking about aches and pains, a 5 minute dip in the cold ocean does wonders by reducing inflammation and making you feel better. Plunging also boosts your neurotransmitters; Gaba, Serotonin and Dopamine! There is an added bonus when the sun is shining. you really appreciate the warmth of the sun. Cold plunges are a great way to boost your metabolism and lose a few pounds! Of course, I love the touch of craziness. The Fall is a great time to start. The water temperature is manageable and your body can gradually adjust to the cold. The weather forecast is for a beautiful Fall weekend. Do you want to try something new (and slightly crazy)? Come plunging in the ocean with me.



I am noticing a difference in my body already.

I started OutdoorFit 16 years ago in the back parking lot of a local gym. I wasn’t a trainer at the time, but I knew how to work out. I was in my early 50’s, and I was winning some of the gym’s fitness challenges. The owner asked me if I would like to work there. I didn’t want to be a personal trainer that focused on one on one workouts. I have always loved running and being outside, so I decided to start an outdoor class with a few brave women from the gym. The ladies were up for doing something new and different. They all loved that we were outside all year long. It is now 16 years later. A few of the originals are still training with me with me today at 70 and 80 something!

I have made some changes as we have gotten older. Recently, I have introduced mobility exercises to the program. I am taking classes with Petra Fisher, a movement coach. It has been so helpful. I am noticing a difference in my body already. This morning at OutdoorFit, we did wrist flexion, extensions, and circles. It feels like a dopey thing to do, but it was amazing. I didn’t have discomfort in my wrists like I normally do when we did our pushups. AND, I could hold my hands in the proper position without pain.

My intention is to be the best version of myself. I want to feel strong and energetic throughout my day. I can’t do that if I am in pain. I am constantly searching for new ways to bring more mobility to my body which is so key to feeling fit and fabulous. I am honored to be still teaching the OutdoorFit ladies to do the same.



He was Smart, Athletic, Good Looking and Drove a 1961 Red PV 544 Volvo.

He was Smart, Athletic, Good Looking and Drove a 1961 Red PV 544 Volvo is the title of a 3000 word chapter that I wrote, and after much personal anguish, didn’t submit. I joined a women’s group last spring called The Wild and Wise Women. They decided they wanted to write a book together. We were each asked to write a chapter about the effect of the pandemic on our lives, and the importance of community during this time. On some level, I thought it would be good for me to write a chapter. I love the idea of being a writer, even though it has never come easily to me. I envision being Diane Keaton in the movie Something’s Gotta Give. I am sitting at my desk overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, writing an amazing chapter that everyone wants to read, and finds fascinating. The truth is, I spent months not writing it, and when I did sit down to write, I didn’t enjoy the experience. I ended up with a knot in my right shoulder from bending over typing on my Mac computer.

The deadline for the rough draft was the end of September. I read the draft again and again. My editor is my husband Dan, who is also the smart, athletic, good looking guy who drove a 1961 RV 544 Volvo. He read my chapter, and told me I was all over the place, but I could change it around. I knew that, but I didn’t want to spend another minute on it. I spent the afternoon having a melt down. Why? Was it because I wasn’t handing in my homework? Was I quitting on myself, or was I upset I was letting the Wild and Wise women down?

The real question is why was it so hard to decide one way or the other? I got together with Vicky of 2 Grandmas and A Microphone, and we talked about resistance and self sabotage in the video. Do you struggle with making a decision ? Do you procrastinate ? We all do. It was helpful to talk with Vicky. I hope you will find it helpful as well.

“Answer the call to what excites your spirit.” Rumi

Thanks for reading and watching.



No one ever called me the Fun one.

Who knew I would need to put Fun on my to do list? I am seeing a Health Psychologist and she suggested I find time to do Fun things. I am a homebody. No one ever called me the Fun one. When I was a kid and visiting my Grandparents in Saint Louis, my family would be going out to do something Fun on the last night and I choose to stay home with Pop and Gram and watch TV. I never liked going to my friend’s house for sleepovers. Once, I was invited to a party and I told my friend that I wanted to stay home and pull dandelions.

I am beginning to feel like I need to get out and do more. My tendency is to say no. I guess I need to start saying yes.

“What would Julia do?” I am asking myself this question more and more. Julia is my niece who is living an amazing life. I blogged about her before. She said her secret is to fill her day with Fun things. I am starting out with the goal of doing one Fun thing a week, and see how it goes. Baby steps for me. This week I have been invited to a neighbor’s pool. I met her walking in the neighborhood. I am connecting with someone new. I think there are bonus points in that!

Vicky Perry and I got together for 2 Grandmas and A Microphone. The topic was doing Fun things! We talked about jumping into the ocean, riding bumper cars at the Fair, taking tango lessons from a Russian instructor and Pickle Ball. Maybe, I am becoming the Fun one!

What do you like to do for Fun?



Family, Home, Sophie and Creativity.

I love a good decluttering challenge. I have done a few of them, and I always feel better when my house is clean and tidy. It brings me great joy to open the door of the tool shed, and to have it in order. When I am stressed or agitated, cleaning out a drawer or decluttering the office brings me peace. I might not feel better when I am actually doing the project, but I am always grateful when I am done.

When Sophie the golden retriever came to live with us, I decided it would be best to pick up the area rugs. I feel so much better with them gone. She is not chewing on them, I don’t have to worry about her urinating on them, and I don’t need to vacuum them. I can just sweep the floor at the end of the day. There is something very therapeutic about a good broom in your broom closet.

Having the house in order makes me feel better, and messy surroundings make me feel agitated. However, there is a part of me that knows spending my days cleaning is not enough. I have been feeling flat. I need to be creative, but I have been avoiding writing my blog posts or promoting OutdoorFit.

So, here I am sitting at my desk writing. I need to find the right balance between taking care of my family, the house, Sophie the dog and my creative endeavors. Progress!

How are you doing? I hope you are finding happiness in your day. What projects are you working on? Have you started gardening yet? Are you spring cleaning? Are you writing a best selling novel? I would love to hear from you.



How cute are the three of them sitting on the stoop?

What is your soul’s purpose?

First things first! Sunday, September 15th is my birthday. I love telling people it is my birthday. Everyone is so nice to you on your birthday, and this is a special one! Actually, all of them are special, aren’t they? I am going to be 65! There is just something about that number and everything that goes along with it. I am now signed up with Medicare, a prescription plan and AARP. My goal is to stay away from doctors the best I can. I focus on being strong, healthy and fit. It is the best way to go.

I joined Origin, Kate Northrup’s membership community. The September focus is to find your mission. In other words, what is your soul’s purpose? I have been working very hard on this. I figure it is time to be clear about my soul’s purpose. The word power keeps popping into my head. Power is something I shied away from. It sounded too scary. I would need to be brave to step into my own power.

Recently, I have been thinking about it differently. What does it mean to live an empowered life? Being strong, healthy and fit is so important to me. I want to feel the best I possibly can in my body. It is where your energy comes from. In order for me to have have a happy positive day, I need to feel good! I find purpose and joy in helping others feel strong healthy and fit as well.

I found that my own power is inspiring others to be able to live an active life. My OutdoorFit ladies live active, empowered lives.  They travel, play tennis, ski, and golf. Elaine, my favorite, is 81. She walks her dog Teddy four miles a day! You need to keep strong, healthy and fit to do those things.

In the process of working with my OutdoorFit ladies,  I have easily dropped the weight that I gained going through menopause. I am now 137lbs! I know it is not all about the weight, but you and I know when you hit your number you feel great!

Let’s have a virtual party on Sunday! Have a piece of cake and send me a birthday blessing!



“At My Age.”

Have you been complaining for years about your weight? Do you need to go out and buy new clothes because nothing is fitting? Do you say to yourself or others, “AT MY AGE” I can’t be expected to change or I will never be able to wear that again?

Do you go on a diet on Monday and 3 days in you are eating cookies or drinking a glass of wine? Did you talk yourself out of the whole thing? TOO HARD! Too uncomfortable!

I have been there and I am here to help you!

I have created a  90 Day Fit and Fabulous Program is not about willpower. It is getting you off the sugar roller coaster. Changing you from a sugar burner to a Fat burner.  This is where Magic happens!  There is such Freedom that comes with this program.

High Fat, Moderate Protein and Low Carbohydrate

I was a little hesitant to increase the fat, because it is high calories. We were taught that fat is bad, gov’t tells us to eat 5-11 servings of whole grains daily and eat fat sparingly.

I decided to jump in. I love butter, I started eating Kerry Gold, grass fed butter. So Delicious and the key is.. So satisfying!

Magical, Magical, Magical

  • Lost 10 pounds (even at my age)
  • Reduced aches and pains
  • No more sugar cravings


Of course, you can do this on your own. It has been my experience that it is so much better in a group. You receive positive reinforcement and encouragement. So important to have Support and Accountability.

The first 7 days of the program, we eliminate the foods that cause inflammation and the alcohol.  No wine is not easy for me. SO much easier with a friend and I stick to it.  We send each other pictures of seltzer and lime in pretty glasses every evening and cheer each other on.

If you are not happy with how you are feeling and are ready to make some changes, please reach out and we can have a conversation to see what has been preventing you from being your Best Self and Feeling Fabulous. We will see if working together is the answer for you.

Friday, Early Bird Pricing Ends. 90 Day Fit and Fabulous Program

Do you need to look dressed when shooting a video? Put on your Mom’s Pearls!

Favorite Pair of Faded Jeans Fit!


You go into your closet and pull out your favorite pair of old favorite jeans and they fit! Isn’t that a dream come true?

Check out the video, I have some exciting news to share!

A few questions for you.

Are you a woman over 50 who wants to be active in your life instead of sitting on the sidelines?

Have you put on weight and are frustrated because you can’t seem to get rid of it?

Are you tired of putting on your jeans and having to adjust the waist band because of the extra roll around your belly?

Or have you given up and your wardrobe has become pants with and elastic waist band and flowing tops?

Of course, you want to feel great, confident, and move with grace and vitality through out your day.

I have created a 90 Day Fit and Fabulous Gold Program. Head over to the Program’s page to learn more.

I would love for you to be a part of my Fit and Fabulous…Aging Optional Community!

Next Session begins Monday October 1st! Registration closes Friday September 28th.

Bonus! Register by September 21st and SAVE! Become Fit and Fabulous with the exclusive OutdoorFit price!

Fit and Fabulous 90 Day Gold Program!