7 Success Steps to Fit and Fabulous!


I have been resistant to writing this post, which means I need to write it. I weighed 148.8 in 2015. I now weigh 136. I know the number on the scale is not everything. I also know I feel better when I am lighter. My goal was to get down to 135lbs, which I am on occasion. My weight fluctuates a bit. I am thrilled that I have been able to lose my menopausal weight. It was something that I wasn’t sure was even possible. I was in good shape at 148.8 but was unhappy to be and feel so heavy. I am always researching, reading and listening to podcasts about health and wellness. I have taken simple steps that created new  habits, They have made a big difference!

WOW… I took this picture 8/3/15.

 7 steps to Fit and Fabulous!

(I know you can get there too.)

  1. Bulletproof Coffee: My Breakfast is a cup of organic bulletproof coffee made in my French press. I blend  coffee, 1 TBS Brain Octane, and 1 TBS unsalted grass fed butter in my Vitamix. Instead of spiking my blood sugar first thing in the morning, I am burning fat. This is an important first step. Don’t worry. There are other options if you are not a coffee drinker. As I am waiting for my bulletproof coffee, I start my morning off with a cup of hot lemon water with a splash of apple cider vinegar.
  2. Intermittent Fasting: This was a game changer for me. I delay eating until after I workout. I am burning fat during the workout. I didn’t start to lose weight until I added this step.
  3. OutdoorFit: Exercise is a key component to Fit and Fabulous. I love working out outside! I have 4 weekly OutdoorFit classes which include 3 regular classes and 1 sprint day. I love my sprint day! It is an important skill to keep as you age. Once a week is sufficient. The other classes cover strength, endurance and flexibility. Every class ends with Foundation Training which is critical to keeping me going.
  4. Eat Organic Food: I eat lots of vegetables, healthy fats, protein and small amount of grains. It is so important to eat the best quality food that you can afford. Buying high quality food is a priority.
  5. Supplements: I take pharmaceutical grade supplements every day, twice a day. You can’t possibly get all the vitamins and minerals you need from your food. It is so important if you want to be Fit and Fabulous!
  6. Meditation: I am working on meditating 20 minutes a day. I feel much better when I get it in.
  7. Sleep: I am always working on getting a good night’s sleep. I take magnesium, calcium and melatonin before bed. I go to bed about the same time every night, which is important in getting a restful night sleep.

Those are the basic habits that I implement every day. I am not perfect and I don’t want to be. I enjoy having a piece of cake once in a while. This has been a work in progress. It certainly didn’t happen over night. If you are interested, to get you started I am launching a 28 Day Fit and Fabulous Program January 10, 2020 on the Full Moon. It is always more fun with friends. Accountability is key!

The Full Moon is a fabulous time to get focused and take action. It is the time to bring the vision of yourself into reality, and align your thoughts with your desired outcome. It’s time for more personal growth. 

In order to live at your fullest potential you need to be healthy and fit.

The Fit and Fabulous 28 Day Program will put you on the path of looking good, feeling strong, confident, calm and creating a positive attitude.

I know when you do things with others you will have success. Peer pressure can be a good thing. It is important if you want to be healthy and fit, you need to hang out with people who are healthy and fit!

Click here to learn more and to sign up!




Did I change someone today?

“Our job is to make change. Our job is to connect to people, to interact with them in a way that leaves them better than we found them, more able to get to where they would like to go. Every time we waste that opportunity, every page or sentence that doesn’t do enough to advance the cause is a waste.” Seth Godin

What a great quote from Seth Godin!

I have a wonderful group of OutdoorFit ladies. I work on bringing variety to every workout. The workouts focus on strength, endurance, flexibility and balance. The women currently range in age from 49 to 79. Wendy, the youngster in the class, will be 50 next week.

OutdoorFit Wendy!

I don’t want OutdoorFit to be considered a “seniorcise” workout. There is something very empowering to all of us saying we are OutdoorFit!

Here is Elaine, 79, who had the courage  to come to  my class because her daughter felt I could help her.  Her balance was off in the beginning, and I was concerned that she was going to fall down. After two weeks of coming to the workout, Elaine was so much better.  She was keeping up like a champ!

The positive effects of OutdoorFit  spill over into all areas of your life.  Your days are so much better when your energy is high and you are feeling great.

I feel like I influence a small group of women. The truth is you really don’t know how many people  are changed by your message. I put posts on social media that potentially a lot of people could read.  They might just be inspired to clean out the refrigerator, make a cup of Bulletproof coffee  or do a burpee. You never know!

Recently, a woman found me through the internet. She signed up for my 7 Day…Feel Fabulous Program that Elaine talks about in the video.  To get the full results from the program she also bought the pharmaceutical grade supplements and probiotics that I recommend.

“Thank you Mary. I feel great! No sugar cravings, I don’t feel bloated either. I have quit grain before but let it creep back in. Organic and spelt but still not good for me. I have been wanting to go true Paleo for a while now. I am in the right place for that now. Thank you so much for your help. I have used some of your recipes and I like the book, “Against all Grains”. I will keep up with you, your exercises and recipe suggestions. ” 


Go out and be a happy change in someone’s life!




My Miracle Kid.

Thomas was too weak to breast feed. I pumped for 6 months.

My son Thomas is my miracle baby.  I have been wanting to blog about him but, have been resistant.  I wasn’t quite sure how I felt about dragging up the past, and I don’t want to come across as a victim of  my past. I will give you the short version.

Thomas was a full term baby. I had no idea of what we were heading into. I had a normal pregnancy, labor and delivery. At birth, Thomas was a bit blue and had a white patch on his eye, but no one seemed too alarmed about his condition. That night in the hospital, I woke up in the middle of the night, to find Thomas’ pediatrician standing over my bed. The Doctor told me that Thomas had a seizure and  he recommended transporting him to Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia.  While I laid in bed shaking, the team from CHOP took Thomas in an ambulance. I discharged myself from the hospital and got things situated for my other son. My husband Dan and I then drove down to the hospital.

Thomas spent the first 13 months of his life at CHOP. He had 11 surgeries during his stay. It was as if he came into the world 3/4 complete and the Doctors had to finish the process.  He came home on a ventilator with a team of nurses set up to help take care of him. Dan and I were also trained how to change his trach, suction him… etc.  It was a life changing year as you can imagine.

Sam has been an amazing brother. He taught Thomas to kink his ventilator hose to make funny noises!

Fast Forward to now. I wanted to write about health and the importance of taking care of yourself and your family.  Thomas is a special needs kid. I want to make sure that his health is optimized as much as I can. I am very concerned about his community. So many of his friends have health issues and are overweight.

Thomas loves pasta , macaroni and cheese, ice cream, chocolate milk.  These are treats for him. He would have spaghetti every day if on his own.

I make a brown rice pasta and give him a serving size along with meat sauce and vegetables. He begins each morning with a smoothie. I will add his probiotic, half of a frozen banana, maybe a few collard greens, and cocoa powder. You can hide a lot in chocolate. He also takes high quality supplements twice a day everyday. He reminds me that he needs his vitamins if I forget. Thomas knows the importance of being hydrated. He tells me when his urine is too dark. “Mom, I need to hydrate.” He goes to bed  basically the same time and gets up everyday at 5:50.

Thomas is an amazing human being. He is really very healthy! I have learned so much from him. He teaches me patience every day.

Thomas Loves a good parade!

Love Your Kids,


Eat Fruit!


I have cut back on fruit the past couple of years because of the sugar content. No longer! The key in all of this is to enjoy moderation.

I was on Instagram and came across Anthony William the Medical Medium’s post about grapes. Amazing how good there are for you! “Grapes have been called the “queen of fruits” due to being one of the most nutritious and medicinal foods available since ancient times.”

This morning I made a Mango Smoothie.

According to The Medical Medium, ‘Mangos are one of the most popular and nutritionally rich fruits in the world and are often referred to as “The King of the Fruits”. Mangos are an amazing source of vitamins A, C, E, and B-complex as well as health promoting flavonoids such as beta-carotene and alpha-carotene. Mangos are a powerful anti-cancer food and are specifically known to help prevent lung, breast, colon, prostate, blood, and oral cancers. ”

Click below to read more!

Medical Medium and Mango.  

Let’s Be Healthy together. Would you like to join me in a 14 Day shake or two a Day along with taking high quality Pharmaceutical Grade Antioxidants and Minerals? You will feel a difference. Small Steps can make BIG changes.

Next group starts June 12th. Click here for more information and to sign up!


Aging Optional?

Did you see the video from yesterday about our 7 Day Program to feeling Fabulous?  LOOK at my face! Yikes!

It was a little concerning and hard to post. I am 62 and can do kick ass Burpees. I feel great and I have tons of energy. When I saw my face in the video yesterday, to be honest it set me back a bit.

I am in a great time of my life.  I created this blog a few years ago and I have people who don’t know me following me. I have women who are between 40 and 79 that get up on a Saturday morning, 23 degrees and windy to workout with me. I have people who join my nutritional program and give up grains, sugar and alcohol to feel better. I recommend the best supplements and they take them.

I have a wonderful supportive family.

I am very grateful for all of it. So what are a few wrinkles and aged spots? Embrace where you are in your life! I tell myself I am a natural beauty. I am going with that.

Would you like to join our 7 Day Program… FEEL FABULOUS?

Click here for more information and to sign up.

Fit and Fabulous…Aging Optional!



“Keeper of the Keys.”

(Thomas likes to eat from the top down.)

I am in charge of the food in my house. I shop, cook and serve the food. There is a lot of power in that. As you know, I have basically gone no gluten, no sugar and now one glass of wine.  My family is mostly gluten and sugar free.

This morning I made Thomas his shake along with smoked salmon, goat cheese, ghee on the rosemary blender bread. He ate the whole thing. I could give him a bowl of cereal and he would eat that too. The smoked salmon is a much better choice for him.  Thomas has had so many medical issues in his life. His health and well being is very important to me. He takes the best supplements on the planet as well.

Smoked salmon , goat cheese, grain free bread! Great way to start your day!

Smoked salmon , goat cheese, grain free bread! Great way to start your day!

I have put together a 7 days…Feel Fabulous program with Holistic Chef Ivone. We have lots of great tips and recipes to share. We are creating a wonderful supportive community. Wouldn’t you like tons of energy and to be feeling fabulous?  It is not too late to join us. Click here for more info.

Champagne for Breakfast.

I made it! I did my 30 Days of No gluten, sugar or alcohol! Today, I can have champagne for breakfast.

You know what? I feel so good I am going to continue on a modified journey. I am not placing rules on myself.

Mindfulness is key.

This was my breakfast today. Grain Free Sugar Free Blender Bread with ghee. (recipe from Danielle Walker’s Celebration Book) Full Fat plain yogurt and apple sauteed in ghee. Along with Bulletproof coffee and the best supplements on the planet.

No Grains, No Sugar BREAD!

No Grains, No Sugar BREAD!

Happy Day!



Martini Powered PJ and Julia!

Today was a proud day for me.

My Dad took my advise and  embraced the Fit and Fabulous Nutrition Program! My niece Julia has been on the program for over a month.  She talks about how her stomach has never felt better now that she is completely off gluten. She also loves how the program has actually helped her save money.  It makes me happy that they are doing so well and I appreciate their trust in me.

Here is their stories! A fun video to film today!

I Love Katie Horner’s (another fabulous niece) art work in the background!

Thanks Mom for being our photographer!

Balance Your Hormones Day 11

Happy Health Hormones Day 11!

The NO sugar, gluten , alcohol 30 day program reduces the inflammation in your body. I have noticed  that I don’t have aches and pains that come and go for me in the past. Do you have issues with aches and pains?

Many people think this program is too hard.

What is the price of waking up achy every morning? Or not sleeping well?

I am eating really clean but I know I can’t possible get everything I need from my diet. It is so important to take a high quality pharmaceutical grade supplement to fill in any of the gaps in your diet. I am also including a liver support during the 30 days. Everything goes through the liver. I want mine to be supported, happy and working well!

Here are the  links to the supplements.

Multi vitamin

Liver Support

It is an investment in your health! You are worth it!



Fit and Fabulous Fat Burner!



Have you heard of it? It sounds like a swear word, some kind of smack down. Right?

According to Dr. Jonny Bowden,  SHMEC- ” the MOST POWERFUL BIO FEEDBACK SIGNALS that tell you how your body and brain are progressing during your metabolic upgrade.  Your metabolic upgrade is the process of changing into a FAT BURNER!

SHMEC stands for sleep, hunger, mood, energy, cravings.

Check in with your SHMEC daily. It will tell you whether you are burning fat or back to burning sugar.

If you are in Fat burning mode:

Sleep soundly through the night with no night sweats. (Menopausal women as well, decreased night sweats!)

Hunger will be at a minimum. You will have a feeling of emptiness not irritability, urgency, low blood sugar or a feeling of fogginess. You will be in a balanced state.

Mood will be stable. You will feel in control with more self confidence.

Energy will be consistent and abundant . You will develop a feeling of Lightness.

Cravings will be almost non-existent. You will be amazed that you can pass up on snacks that would have taken you down in the past.

Bonus Round…You will be losing Fat including that stubborn fat around the middle.

The BIG QUESTION! How do I become a FAT BURNER?

Start with the 7 day My Smart Start. It takes 7 days to change from a sugar burner to a fat burner! You can totally change your life in 7 days. I will  support you along the way. We also have a wonderful facebook community where we post and create a Fit and Fabulous Lifestyle together. You are not alone. Do you want to be healthy and fit in 2017?  I think it is time! Hang with healthy and fit people!

Your day will consist of 2 delicious smoothies, a protein bar, and a low-glycemic snack and a low-glycemic dinner.

Does a 7 day Smart Start sound right for you?

The Kit has  Non-GMO gluten free Protein shakes,  delicious Protein bars and the best supplements on the planet to get you started on your 7 days.


$19.71 a day

buy now

Please contact me if you are out of the USA. I will set you up.

My typical client is a menopausal woman. This program will work for anyone. Here is a quick video with my nephew Mark. He has lost 10 lbs on the program! Energized and is running faster!!