It is time for the healing to begin.

“We each have our own part to do in the healing of our country. That’s our individual responsibility.” Victoria Perry

Vicky and I got together for 2 Grandmas and A Microphone #8! So many emotions have come up for me these past 8 weeks. I have spent way too much time feeling agitated and annoyed. I get triggered by other people’s opinions, especially when they don’t agree with mine. I can feel the agitation take over my body when someone is offended by what I have said. Hopefully I am done. I only have control over myself. I have committed to feeling better. This week, I began meditating twice a day. It has been so helpful. In the morning, I spend 10 minutes being quiet and asking God what he wants from me today. It is amazing the focus and peace it brings. In the afternoon, I lay down and do Wim Hoff breathing plus a 10 minute guided meditation. I am spending a total of a half hour a day activating my parasympathetic nervous system. There is still a part of me that feels like I am wasting my time. I bet I scroll through social media 30 minutes a day. Which one is a waste of my time?

Here is 2 Grandmas and A Microphone #8

What did the episode bring up for you? Do you have the same common grounds that Vicky and I do? Was there anything you disagreed with? Don’t worry, I know how to breathe through the disagreement.

How are you taking care of yourself during these stressful times? Exercise is always a great way to deal with your stress. I would love for you to come to OutdoorFit. We are online as well as working out outside. We just started an 8 point plank challenge. It is not too late to join us.



Be Strong – Be Healthy -Be Powerful – Be OutdoorFit

One thought on “It is time for the healing to begin.

  1. Love this blog, Mary. Your honesty and openness always touch my heart! Thank you for being who you are. I’m honored to be doing this project with you.

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