Happy Birthday to Me!

September 15th is my birthday. I love telling everyone. People are so nice when they know it is your birthday. I want to take the time to look back at the good things that have happened to me this past year. The first thing that comes to me is that I started running again. I train hard with my friend Dorian two to three times a week. Dorian always has a challenging workout for me. We began in March with short track workouts and now we are running for an hour in the woods. I am so grateful that my body is able to handle the stress. I have lost 6 pounds since starting. I will be 69 running in a jog bra, shorts and my minimal sneakers. It feels like a big deal to me, and it’s something I never thought I would be able to do again.

I have been keeping a journal this year. I am part of a Fireside chat group that meets monthly. We are reading The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. I have been sporadic about doing the work. It is more natural for me to go out and run than to read a book. I am glad that I am keeping up with writing my morning pages.

I stopped highlighting my hair and I feel okay with that. People say you will look older when you let your hair color go natural. I wanted my hair to match my 69 year old face. I was tired of putting chemicals on my head.

I kept up with my life as a mother, daughter and a wife. I planted zinnias, cucumbers and tomatoes in my yard. I clean the bathrooms every Tuesday and got out on the roof to wash the bedroom windows.

I plunged all year in the Ocean. I am so grateful to the plungettes for sticking with me.

I started reading books rather watching Netflix on my computer before going to sleep at night.

Of course, my ladies at OutdoorFit are spectacular! They keep showing up and sticking with it. I am so grateful that I am able to keep them moving. They especially love getting down and up off the ground. They know that it is a very important skill to keep as you age.

My Dad passed away in November. In someways, I feel closer to him now then ever before.

It has been a good year.

Thanks for reading.



Integrity – Love -Simplicity

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