Menopausal Muffin Top

Here is the wonderful testimonial. “thanks so much Mary! Yes, I feel really good since I’ve been very diligent about taking my supplements and I find that having the prepacked supplements for the AM and PM helps keep me on track, I know I wasn’t taking the recommended dosages before.  I work in special ed as you know and it can be so physically and mentally draining and I’ve been finding that my energy levels have been great, instead of collapsing when I get home I take a healthy,long walk with my dog and do push ups on a bench in the woods and some free weight work when I get home, even though I haven’t weighed myself I don’t feel as bloated and the menopausal “muffin top”, isn’t as overflowing as it was before and things are fitting better. I also believe that keeping up with this vitamin regiment has really helped decrease all the other menopausal symptoms that I’ve been plagued with like fatigue, thinning hair and nails, weight gain and hot flashes..I’m in a much better place then I was a year ago and I thank you.”

I don’t think there is much more to say. THE PROGRAM works! Would you like to join us?  Muffin top…BE GONE!

Here is the October Salad of the Day Challenge (click on hashtag to connect with Andreea and the challenge) #littlebitesofjoy

Add protein to your salad for the perfect meal!

Add protein to your salad for the perfect meal!

It is fun to be healthy together. It makes it so much easier.

I hope you will join in. What do you think?

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